Changed? -PART 2

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"Grail, we talked about this," I said.

A thin sloping shape came out of one of the dark crevices of my house. His charcoal hair was softly staggered on his head, complementing his grey skin. His white eyes glew bright through his hair. He wore a suit and tie that matched his hot pink cane, he also wore a short little top hat.

"I-I know. But what Ace we never see each other. We never talk, it's been a damn year. I sit alone in my damn apartment just thinking of you. Do you know how that feels, do you even care Ace? How can you just forget about it?"

His bottom eyelid was lined with smock black and from the ashy marks on his face he had already cried some. I tilted my head a little then let it fall down word. Letting it hang as I looked at my feet, then I too, started to cry. I stepped over to him and put his cane aside so I could hold both his hands.

"I never forgot, and it is because I care Grail. I was done being the abusive ass I became. I was done trying to fight back my own emotion and letting that turn into anger because I don't want to see you hurt. I don't want to see you dead. That's why I stopped coming," I said, looking up at him into his eyes, "you know as well as I do what they'll do to us, Grail I'm not gonna let you die at the hands of those angels."

He let go of my hands and stumbled into a hug. I caught him and we sunk to the floor. I saw ash flakes fly around and held him tighter. Running my fingers through his soft hair and feeling him breathe. I silently cried trying to keep it unnoticeable but he knew. He always does.

"But I am hurt Ace. This hurts, more then death seeing you like you were and are still hurts. Not being able yo see you and touch you and just be in love like everyone else hurts," he mumbled meekly through the tears.

I hugged him tighter and compressed my eyes into his neck trying not to burst into more tears.

"I know love, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

He rubbed his eyes on my shoulder to wipe the tears away and put his forehead on mine.

"I need you, this past year has been hell, yes I see the irony don't make your comments. It's been a real hell, one that every religious person would think of. Pain, lonely, lost. I can't do it Ace."

"And you won't have too. You'll see."

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