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Grail came walking downstairs with the worst bedhead I have ever seen.

"Morning, I was sure you were going to sleep through noon."

"Morning to you too, sleep any more sense I woke you up?"

"You know me, once up I'm up."

"I was hopeful."

"That's ok I was wake for our fellow inhabitants to come over."

"Why didn't you wake me up?"

"I liked your dream, I wanted to finish it. And wanted you to finish it and thought that you need some more sleep."

"What they say."

He wanking into the kitchen grabbing the coffee I set out from the counter and my leftover toast. He stuck the toast in his mouth and but the coffee grounds in the mishean. The breuer hummed and gargled as the dark liquid dripped into the pot.

"Well Elend thinks he's ready so we just gotta say the word and we can have a little tinsie limbo wedding."

"And Nikle? How's he doing on that 'this is how god did it' lesson?"

"He's sorta struggling with that. He didn't realise how many different stories there are. Apparently all the humans perceive god differently and form into different groups like catholic is what we know but there's so many more the catholic now. And all these different groups have different thoughts on god and how he made them, none of them are right on that one, but none of us know witch creating the world theory is right if any. But get this some people go into separate groups that either dis god all together not thinking he's real, have multiple gods, or pray to satan."

"Woaw things really have changed with living hasn't it."

"Yes yes it has. But anyway now Nikle sorta has to trial and error everything."


"I mean it's better than what we thought though right. I mean we thought that when we passed the breaches that we would like atomically explode."

"Very true."

"We'll figure it out don't worry, just need time that's all. Time and patience."

"Since when are you the patient one in this relationship."

"Since, now."

"Oh really?"

"Yes sir," I said.

"Mmhm we'll see won't we."

"Oh yah, you'll see. I already know. But yah, yah you will see."

"Whatever you say love."

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