Keep walking

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Not five minutes later I heard the echoing of footsteps not far behind.

Ace what up.

Not the time Grail, really not the time.

What's the issue, Nikles data seems pretty accurate. I mean he has been working on this for a number of weeks now.

Yes Grail he has. That dosn't mean I'm god.

He's not saying that you are god he's saying you need to copy him.

And I'm saying no, Eland has just as much as a strong will as me.

I don't think so, can you please slow down at least. I've been of my Cain and I've managed but running i-

I have an idea, stop trying to catch up you- never mind. Just stop trying to catch up cuz your not going to.

After that the faint echoing of the slightly offbeat footsteps stopped. I just continue walking and didn't look back.

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