Not really an option

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After about fifteen minutes Nikel and Elend cam falling through the hole right on me and Ace.

"Ahh son of the virgin Marry."

"Why are your faces all, sooty?" Nikel asked ignorantly.

"It's called tears you ass."

"Demons cry soot? Why?"

"We don't cry soot we cry ash. And I don't know why do angels cry weird, shiny, sweet, creamy stuff?!"

"How di-"

"Don't ask. Really really not in the mood."

"Ok, just curios."

"You and everyone else today."

"So, this is limbo?"

"Yup, and umm just to make it clear we are not going to-"

"No, no, no."

"Ok, good cuz huh."

"Yah, ok."

"Anyway we should probably start walking."

"What why? Where?"

"To the breaches."

"What, why would we ever go to the bre-"

"Look kid, it seems you're pretty fresh and that on top of cutting down spirit creation I'm going to explain some stuff to you. You listen up to Elend," I began, "limbo as you know is spirit creation realm as you also seem to know it has boundaries. However, if this is the realm where everyone eventually comes that means there will eventually be people here. Meaning we have to take a risk and go past the breaches or all what we just did, all the surviving me and Grail had to do it for nothing!"

"Great out of all the people that we could have found we found a couple of crazies."

"That's a funny way of saying thank you you getting you here."

"Yah well you never said thank you for us letting you out."

"... Fine. Thank you for saving me and Grail from torture," I grumbled rolling my eyes.

"Thank you for getting us to limbo," Nikel replied.

"Don't thank me yet pipsqueak you're not safe yet. Are you coming the rest of the way with me and Grail? I mean if you don't I won't protest but you're both going to like one hundred percent chance die. Passing the breaches is only a fifty to ninety chance you'll die."

"Nikel, we need to go with them. It's not up for debate this time, we have to," Elend cut in.

"Ok, then let's get moving."

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