What's wrong with Grail?

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We had been walking for hours, finding the dimmest spots we could as it got brighter and brighter. As it got brighter the panic grow deeper.

"What the heaven do we do when there's no dark places anyway?! It's like being under a hug spotlight, this is suicide!" Grail exclaimed.

"Doesn't help odds if they hear us, we'll make it. Just got to pick up the pace a bit," Elend harshly whispered.

"Easy for you to say. You don't need a cain, and let me remind you my boyfriend has to take that role at the moment since damn Daydric took it," Grail barked, "I'm sorry that I am such a dead wait on you two, really."

Elend stopped and turned around, looking at Grail. He showed a shadowed shame in his face as he did so.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way."

"I know you didn't. The point is that we are going as fast as we can right now."

Grail looked at the grown and Elend nodded, we all kept walking no one saying another word.

You ok?

Yah sure Ace, I'm fine.

If you're just going to play the me card I don't have to talk to you.

Oh you mean the snarky, sarcastic, narcissistic, bastard card? Cuz if that's what you mean that's exactly what I'm going to be playing.

What the heaven is your damn problem? You're not the one that acts like this I am.

Well maybe I'm taking some pointers from you then.

Stop it, talk to me.

Why? What makes you the person that get's to tell me to 'stop it'? I mean when I used to tell you to stop doing things you just ignored me, tried to get in the way of you and I was shoved out of the way. So Ace where is your right to tell me to stop?!

I didn't know how to answer. I couldn't answer, because it was true. I have been an absolute dick to him the whole time that we have been together. I've said things to him that if they were said to me I would have beat the soul out of whoever said it. Pushed him out of my life more than once. And I'm asking why he's acting like this? Heaven damn me! I mean really?! I've been so blind of him and my actions.

I don't.

Don't what Ace, the vagueness isn't cute at the moment.

Don't have a right to tell you anything. I would be being a hypocrite.

Yahhah you would be, just get out of my head Ace, I can't deal with you right now.

You, you know I can't. Our link is a bond we can't bra-

Then just block yourself! Just shut up Ace ok?!

Woah ok.

I forced my brain waves to focus on nothing, complete blankness. And with that can the feeling of emptiness and silence. It got cold and already the feeling of lost was building in my stomach.

"There, happy now. Hope you have a nice migraine. Maybe it will help with your new found asshat."

"Same to you self concerned bastard... oh wait that's not new for you is it?"

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