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"Ace! Ace wake up! I need you to wake up Ace!" Grail exclaimed.

I opened my eyes slowly. My eyes feeling puffy and irritated. The old fashioned alarm clock showed the time 2:52 with it's needlepoint hands.

"It's not even 3 in the morning Grail."

"I know, I know, I know. But I needed you to stop dreaming your dream."


"Your dream. I needed you to stop dreaming your dream."

"You can see my dreams now? I don't even remember having a dream."

"Well trust me you did, and it's probably good you don't remember. And don't even think about asking-"

"Grail calm down ok. I can't even proses what's happening right now."

I rolled over finding an empty bed side.

"Where are you?" I asked sitting up rubbing my eyes with the back of my wrist.

Almost as soon as I sat up I jumped back hitting my head on the headboard of the small country house bed.

There at the end of the bed there was a simple thin black silhouette and two white metallic like eyes.

"Sorry," Grail whispered.

"That's alright, what are do doing?"


"Well I can see that, why are you sitting down at the end of the bed?"


I shifted and joselled myself until I was laying next to Grail,my feet at the headboard and my head at the foot. And like a small child Grail crawled into the covers with me tucking his soft head of hair under my chin and his body matching the shape of mine.

"What's wrong?"

"I already told you."

"I can see your dreams doesn't really make sense love."

"But that's exactly what it is Ace, there is no other way to say it. Something about our link is different this time, whether it's limbo or the change in our relationship in a hole or the change in you. I don't know. But it is different, it's stronger. It's not just the we can talk to each other and the I can hear your thoughts. I see your dreams, like a memory movie but more because not just do I hear what's happening and see what's happening I can feel it. I feel what you feel. And with this dream I just couldn't, I tried Ace I really did but I couldn't."

"What was the dream Grail?"

"No A-"

"Grail please, let me help."

"Ace you were dreaming of hell. About Daydric and me. Daydric came from his usual patrol and beat you bloody, there was blood smeared down the street, streaming from your nose all over the bottom half of your face. Then you hobbled yourself home found me, did your usual yelling, cursing, punching. Then I left. But what happens after I left is what drew me over the line. You broke Ace, completely in a way I have never seen. I have never seen you so hurt Ace. You trashed your hole kitchen and yelled and cried and I couldn't watch you go through it."


"I know, it's ok. I just need you to hold me. Just hold me."

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