Just what it is

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Then I explained to him everything most things him already knew but I still said it. My human life, angel life, demon life. All the people I let down, the things I did. Not leaving anything anything out. My whole life I have just swept these things, these feelings, thoughts, and memories under the rug. Only for me to know and feel and regret. And through explaining all of this to him, I realized he is really the only good thing. He was my light in all of the dark. Maybe that's why I hated his so much in hell. He reminds me of all that has happened, the good the bad everything. He was the embodiment of my feelings. We both cried as I told him all as I went through my life story taking hours to finish both of us just laying there.

"Woah... that's, that's um..."

"I know," I mumbled.

He sighed and pressed his forehead gently to the back of my neck making me jump slightly.

"What do you want me to do?" he asked.

"You can't do anything. No one can, it's just what it is and no one can change that."

All the did was hug me tighter and everything was silent.

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