I don't know

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When I woke up I was surrounded by pearly and gold things and very bright light.

God bless it!

How you feel?

Like a peach, what do you think Daydric? Get out of my head before you get linked.

Would that be a bad thing, we used to be linked.

Linked one way, and we both know things are different so yah it would be 'a bad thing'.

I'm still your brother Ace, your linked to that hoe I can feel his grimey sinner line in here it's disgusting.

Yah and I can feel your vibrant fluffball line in here that's disgusting to me! Get out of my head Daydric!

No, why do you defend that-

Call him a hoe one more time and I swear-

What? What can you do Ace? That's what I thought, nothing. Why do you defend that thing over there?

I told you already-

Yah yah you love this sick son of fire. But there has to be something else, I mean I know you think you love him but no. You can't.

No Daydric the only reason is that I love him and that's the only reason that there needs to be!

Get the heaven out of here you discriminating close minded lighty.

Well look at that, we were just talking about you horn hoe.


Jee did I hit a button their baby brother?!

Where are you hiding than Daydric, using telepathy at a guard? Cowardice if you ask me. Come out and let's talk face to face.

I'm not an idiot.

Debatable but know what's not. You being a coward.

Ok I'm a coward, if that was true why would you be here right now? I don't think a coward would have jumped after you when you tried to jump from heaven.

You were afraid to be alone so it was still cowardly.

I could feel as his thread of mind unhinged itself from mine. He nonchalantly walked around the corner and smiled down at us still crunched against the wall of the demon cage.

"Takes a lot of power to make something like this, how'd you do it."

"Have you forgotten about God?"

"If I remember correctly he's not big for favors."

"For any ordinary angel yes, but me and my team aren't ordinary."

"So he rewards his hunting dogs for being obedient got it."

"Baby brother you should be sucking up to me I mean I am your jailer. "

"Very aware yah. But you ain't going to do any favors. After all this is all about punishing me. You leave us in here for about two months before we're dragged in front of the all mighty god we're I'm going to be burned alive and he is going to be as well but you have your big plan of tearing him to pieces."

"Hey know you shouldn't talk so negatively about your boyfriend. Two months isn't that long baby bro."

He walked away laughing.

We need to find a way out of this treasure trove.

Oh yah get right on that, I mean we're just sitting in a devil's cage in the middle of angel central and to top it all off your god blessed Ace Baylence Grace.

Thanks that really helps and makes me feel just great. Look I tried to keep you away from me for this reason Grail. Hell knows I tried. I put shielding scripture on my damn house to try and make it so you couldn't find me, I holy watered every piece of everything that could lead you to me I could find. My phone, ID, that necklaces that I kept even for this reason. I know it's all my fault Grail, that's one hundred percent clear. But you chose to come back, and I still don't know why you did. I'm not a good person, I was never good to you especially. I'm angry with a short fuse and I act before thinking which nine out of ten means a fist fight with someone who pissed me off, or didn't. As far as you know I'm still a drunk, my brother is not only angel league but head of it most would leave me just for that. I'm hells number one bastard and target. Yet you still come back, still find me, all of it. And I just don't understand why?! I mean you're beautiful Grail, in and out and how you of all people are a demon... well they got something wrong up in this big old skylight. I mean really, you're forgiving, kind, sweet. You could have done a lot better than just me, why settle for it? Settle on me?

Hun do you really think so low of yourself? Really think it's your fault? I'm sorry I snapped at you I'm just- I'm just scared. Ace they didn't get it 'wrong' I guess is the way you see it, I chose to be a demon. I made myself what I am. I don't want to be a damn angel and I don't want you to die! And I come back and I find you and choose to be with you because help satan I love you! I love you Ace, with your jealous ticks when another demon talks to me, with your having to be on the outside when we used to cuddle on your couch because no matter how much you act like a rough and tough I know that you need someone to show you that you're loved and I'm damn glad I'm that person. And Ace you aren't a bad person, just a broken one.

Is that supposed to be better?

I think it is but what matters is what you think.

I don't know what I think love, I just don't know.

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