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The dirty ally was riddled with grimey tinted puddles. I swung around the corner and walked into a small cafe, one of the few things here that's built on ground and not under it. I cruised into the small bland cafe wall being a simple dark tan with some graffiti decorated tables scattered about.
"Love what you did here, looks like something good enough for angels," I said snarkily.
"Screw off buddy, bey something or leave, simple."
"Ok ok, no need to be all grouch like."
I dragged my feet over to the ordering desk glancing into the glass with all the old stale looking pastries.
"Well, you must get a lot of customers your food just looks absolutely marvelous, I'm full just looking at it."
"Then you don't you shut up and order something."
"Oh come on now, here I am trying to be nice and your repaying me with snark and rudeness. You need to learn how to treat your costumers sir."
Now the man was almost black with rage and started yelling something foul. As he yelled and droned on I slipped my hand up to a tin of cookie packs sitting on the corner of the counter and slipped three packs into my inner coat pocket.
"Well with that type of attitude I'll take myself somewhere else. Good day sir!"
With that I stormed out the door and slipped back into the alley, pulling a pack of cookies out as I went. I was nearly a block away from my house when... uh Daydric.
"Well well baby brother, causing a fuss so early in the morning? Well usually you're not out 'til noon."
"Thought I'd get my dear big brothers attention and ruin his whole day not just half, is it working?"
"Oh brother oh mine haven't you learned by now I find joy in kicking your ass whenever I can? You never fail to make my day baby brother."
"I am still in shock that I came down here before you Daydric, you know Gen was t-"
All the sudden a harsh slap took my words and I found myself pinned up to the wall.
Daydric stood square up to me digging his elbows into me to help lift me off the ground. Even though he was a good five inches shorter then me he was stronger. His bleach blonde almost white was messily spiked up at the top and shaved at the sides making his long narrow face look narrower. His white powdery face was darkened with anger, where his square nose met his slightly bushy eyebrows was wrinkled. And his deeply socketed sea green eyes looked darker than usual.
He stared at me a good while with the anger continuing to fill his face.
“You don't talk about her! You are the reason, and I swear if you let her name slip of your greasy tongue again I will do everything I can to find your lil fuck buddy. I know you have one you've always been a disgusting hornblower, even before!”
He flow us up a foot or two before letting me go and plumet back down to the ground, making an all but healthy sound against the read cracked stone. His cree laughed but he stayed scowalling before flicking his head and all of them flying off.

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