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After about an hour, maybe more I made it back to the house. Storming inside and shutting the door behind me. It was dead quiet. Quieter than it's been since we left hell. I walked to the small distressed leather couch and sat burying my head in my hands.

God save it! Why why do I have to be god. I can't be god... I can't 'play' god. I'll just screw everything up. Like I do always. I couldn't save my sister, heaven I can't even stop myself from slipping with Grail. And I know you're listening Grail, you always do. You always do... because you care and worry. But you shouldn't I slipped up Grail back there I almost-

Yes love but the key word there is almost. You stopped yourself before you said anything. You didn't slip up Ace. And I know where you're going Cuz your still thinking so stop. Stop thinking. I know that sometimes you're going to slip out of frustration. That is ok I'm prepared for that.

You shouldn't have to prepare for that Grail.

Tears slowly started to slide down my face.

"God save it!"

Love. It's okay.

No it's not, it's really not.

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