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My eyes burned as I squinted at the tablet, its bright light almost blinding in the darkness. I gripped the stylus in my sweaty fingers as I slowly lowered it onto the screen. Carefully, I made a few strokes, completing the last panel of my webtoon.

I sighed, finally satisfied by how the first chapter looked. I was quite proud of it, considering that I hadn't drawn in years and this was my first time making digital art.

I signed off the first chapter with a little authors note and saved it. I emailed it to my best friend, Yoo Ra, to proofread. She was the only one who knew that I was doing this.

Honestly, I didn't like the reason why I suddenly started drawing a webtoon. To me, it felt extremely childish and risky. But hey, now that I've started, might as well finish it.

A vibration from my phone distracted me from my thoughts. I reached for it and unlocked it, only to see a message from Yoo Ra.

"the webtoon is nice but the authors note is kinda lame ?? you should end it off with something more impactful. something like

love, anonymous

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