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The following day, I was still daydreaming about the incident earlier and couldn't resist making it into a chapter of my webtoon. Little by little, I was changing the male leads' appearance in every chapter. I felt an overwhelming sense of guilt every time I looked at Jimin.

He was so oblivious to the fact that I was using his face, without his permission for my webtoon.

After the whole 'carrying me through the rain' incident, I began to see him differently. More as a person with feelings and emotions, than a crush who was way out of my league.

I was lost in my thoughts when I heard my phone vibrate. I opened it, only to see a message from Jimin.

Jimin: Are you alright? How's your leg?

I was touched by his concern, and that he was worried about me. And really, this was only making me like him more. Which meant I felt even more guilty about the whole webtoon fiasco.

"Why are you smiling creepily at your phone?" Yoo Ra questioned.

"Because Jimin just texted me and I feel all warm and fuzzy," I sighed.

"I'm pretty sure the fuzzy part is because you haven't waxed in a month."

I glared at Yoo Ra as she laughed at her own comeback. I put my phone away and turned to face her.

"Do you think I should tell Jimin about the webtoon? Will he be mad?"

"Depends. Are you going to continue to use his face or not? Because right now, it's kind of illegal, but if you get his permission you can freely draw his as much as you want. But if he disagrees, and I'm sure you don't want to go to jail, you'll have to take down everything."

"Was that supposed to reassure me? Because it just scared me even more."

"Just warning you. I think it's best to tell him."

"Okay, I will. Just...not now. Let me enjoy this budding relationship which will probably be ruined after the revelation."

"It's your decision to make, but my advice is to get it over with as soon as you can."

»»————- ♡ ————-««
Are you made of copper and tellerium? Because you're CuTe
short and boring but necessary

also my chem teacher is scary as fuck. he has these big big eyes which glare at you every time you mess up or submit things late and he never ever forgets anything. If you messed up a practical 3 years ago he's gonna bring it up now like it just happened yesterday 😖

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