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Park Jimin, you've been the reason for my strange fantasies and now I finally have a name for the face.

I switched on my drawing tablet and looked at my draft for the next chapter. It was heart attack inducingly cheesy, but at the same time very sweet.

I began drawing the outlines of each panel and tried to put my utmost concentration into it. But somehow, my mind kept drifting to - you know it - Jimin. My worryingly anxious self was terrified that Jimin may find out about my webtoon and confront me for, well, stalking him.

At this point, I had watched him for so long, I knew his mannerisms better than him. I for one, was completely sure that I would never approach him or talk to him because then he'd be more likely to find out that I was drawing my fantasies of a perfect boyfriend with his face in it. Right now, he doesn't know I exist and that's for the better.

I looked back at the webtoon I was drawing. In this chapter, the couple goes on a date to a fancy restaurant, so the closet fashionista inside me was squealing at the thought of drawing intricately embroidered dresses. The girl in the webtoon was basically me, except for her appearance, which I had deliberately made different.

If I was at a fancy restaurant with a guy I liked, what would I do? Knowing me, I'd be a victim of verbal vomit and blurt out a pick up line or something.

Hmm, that would be funny though. And thus, I decided to make this chapter a mess. {me rn lmao}

As the girl in the webtoon blurted out a pick up line, the guy choked on his water, his face turning red as he, first swallowed the water, then proceeded to laugh his ass off. He smirked, because all hot book characters are above smiling, then told her an even worse pick up line. And so, they spend the night trying to make each other cringe with the worst pick up lines they can think of. The guy drops the girl to her house and tells her a cute pick up line and voila, she blushes, they kiss and the end.

I could feel the diabetes crawling through my body. I ended the chapter with a little note to the readers, asking them to comment their own ideal dates and cute moments. Because I was running out of ideas. 

Since I was probably never actually going to get a boyfriend, I decided to name the webtoon 'In My Dreams'. I had made a few chapter in advance and posted all of them, thus beginning my webtoon journey.

  »»————- ♡ ————-«« 

Can I follow you home? My parents always told me to follow my dreams. 

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