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Contrary to the rest of the house, Jimin's room was bright. The lights were on, windows open anud curtains blowing with the wind.

Jimin's silhouette was visible near the window. He was leaning against the windowsill, still wearing a suit.

Slowly walking towards him, Sira noticed that he was holding a book, which he was looking through.

Standing beside him, Sira spoke softly,"Hey, I heard what happened. Are you alright?"

Jimin tilted his head slightly, looking at Sira, before going back to the book, which turned out to be a photo album.

"Is that you and your sister? You were both adorable."

Jimin just silently flipped the page.

For a while, the two stood there, looking at pictures of the past, when things were simpler and happier.

"She was my other half. I couldn't even imagine life without her."

Caressing a picture lightly, Jimin continued speaking,"For the last two years I've lived with the hope that one day she would wake up. Even though the doctors told me it wasn't possible, I had faith that she wouldn't leave me."

Sighing, he closed the photo album tossing it on the bed.

"How did it happen?" Sira asked solemnly.

"What? The coma or the death?" Jimin smiled grimly.

Sira didn't know what to say.

"She was driving home after training. She was a swimmer, an amazing one. It was quite dark out but she had always been a good driver. Hell, she got a car before I did. The route from our house to the swimming complex was short, just a few minutes drive. But during that time, another car was swerving all over the place. She didn't know how to avoid it when it just kept going in different directions."

"That car crashed into hers. By the time the police came, the driver had run off. After tracing the number plate, they found out who it belonged to, but they never found the person. My sister, who was completely innocent, has been in a coma ever since. She suffered from nervous damage and severe lacerations all over her body."

Sira stood rooted to the ground, breath hitched and a feeling of horror.

She stumbled back, in shock over how familiar the situation seemed.

"Jimin, when did this happen? When exactly?"

"July 2016."

Gasping for breath, Sira clutched her chest before running out of the room.

Jimin was confused, over why she was so affected. Taehyung saw Sira leaving the room and stood up to talk to her. But Sira didn't respond and ran out of the apartment.

She had learned something that she really didn't want to. And now all the memories were resurfacing.

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