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Sira didn't see Jimin or Taehyung for the next three days. Her worry for them was increasing by the day.

But now she'd had it. She was on her way to their dorm, armed with snacks and tissues, and ready to listen to their problems.

She knocked on the door, hoping they'd be there.

Soon enough, a tired looking Taehyung opened the door. Surprisingly, he was all decked out in a black suit, with equally dark eye bags to match.

"Are - Are you okay? And Jimin too. I haven't seen either of you in days. What's wrong?"

He motioned for her to enter, not even having the energy to speak.

With the way Jimin and Taehyung were behaving, Sira helf expected their room to be in a mess, with smashed chairs and broken glass everywhere.

To say the least, it wasn't. It was exactly as it had been before, strangely neat, despite the gloomy feeling. The lights were dimmed and the place was eerily quiet.

Sira looked towards Taehyung, not knowing what to do. He motioned for her to sit down and brought drinks for the both of them.

He gave her an appreciative smile as she handed him the snacks she brought.

"This is a really bad time for both Jimin and I. We've both lost someone dear to us, but it's taking a huge toll on Jimin. He hasn't left his room since we came back from the funeral. He won't even talk to me or eat anything. Not that I can stomach much either."

"I'm sorry for your loss. Is there anything I could do to help?"

"You could talk to Jimin. Try to convince him to eat. I know you're curious about what happened, but I can't tell you much. It was Jimin's sister who passed away. His twin sister, and my girlfriend. She was in a coma for 2 years. I loved her, so much. But in a sense, I had already known she wouldn't wake up. Now that it's actually happened, it hurts much more than I imagined."

Silently, Sira listened, overwhelmed with shock and sympathy. She hadn't even known that Jimin had a twin.

Jimin was an emotional person. When he loved someone, he loved them with his heart and soul, growing emotionally attached to them. Now, his own twin, the one he shared a womb with and who was his only companion growing up, was gone.

Sira could only imagine the pain he was in.

"Would it be okay for me to talk to him right now?"

"Go ahead. He's inside."


It's too sad for pick up lines right now
I started a new book. It's a Taeyong ff and it's pretty different from this one. It's titled 'Overworked'. Check it out if you're interested, I've uploaded a few chapters.

Love, anonymous is reaching it's peak and will likely end by June. 《 I have exams for the next 2 weeks so I won't be writing》

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