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That's all Sira felt as she emailed her graded assignment to the professor at 2359 , knowing that the time it was due was 0000.

Since she had spent all her time shading and colouring hickeys, she had to pull an all nighter to complete this assignment. Also, she kind of got distracted and read Tokyo Ghoul for three hours.

With bleary eyes and numb limbs, Sira dragged herself away from her table and swallowed some painkillers before she flopped onto the bed, ready for a nice 24 hour nap. She was planning to skip all her lectures today and just rest because her cramps weren't going easy on her either.

Her slumber was rudely broken by the ringing of the doorbell. Except, it was 5 in the evening. She had slept for 17 hours. Horrified by this revelation, Sira hurriedly combed her hair and hope that she didn't look like a homeless person. She opened the door only to see Jimin, carrying numerous plastic bags.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"I didn't see you in college today and Yoo Ra told me you weren't feeling well, so I came to see how you were doing. Oh, and I brought snacks." he grinned, holding up the bags.

"Aw, thanks. Come on in." She held open the door as he stepped inside,"Um, you can make yourself comfortable. I'm going to go take a quick shower."

Jimin nodded and settled down on the couch, while Sira went to take the quickest shower of her life.

"Hey, sorry for making you wait," Sira said sheepishly, sitting down on the sofa.

"No, it's alright. I did show up without a warning," Jimin smiled, turning to face her

"So what do you want to do?"

"We could just watch a movie or something, since you're not feeling well."

"Yeah, sure. Humour or horror? Those are the only kinds we have."

"Definitely humour."

"Aw man I like horror."

"Yeah, well my experiences with horror movies usually end with clinging to someone until they decide to ditch me."

"I wouldn't ditch you after you've been nice enough to come see me."

"So you wouldn't mind me clinging on to you, huh?"

"Did you not see how I conveniently 'didn't hear' that part?"

Jimin laughed, shaking his head,"You always have to one up me, don't you?"

"Always," Sira replied, rifling through the CDs.

"How about this one?" she said, holding up a CD.

"Sure, whatever you like."


The movie was set up, the popcorn was ready and the lights were off. The audience had snuggled comfortably on the couch and were ready to spend the next 2 hours in silence. The movie soon began and both of them only focused on watching it.

Jimin would smile to himself hearing Sira laugh at the movie, gazing at her as she giggled uncontrollably.

Sira, although enjoying the movie, wasn't exactly comfortable. Her back was getting stiff from sitting up for so long and her cramps seemed to be even more painful. She wished she could lay on the sofa, but unfortunately, she was a broke college student and the tiny sofa was completely occupied by her and Jimin.

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