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I hoisted my bag over my shoulder as I began walking towards my next class. I had finished a draft of the next chapter of my webtoon. My drawing speed had definitely increased.

Or maybe it's because your inspiration was a few tables away?

Yeah, that makes much more sense.

I pushed open the door of the auditorium and made my way towards the back. I sat in one of the centre seats and took out my textbook.

There was no one I knew in this class, making it a very boring and lonely one. Despite being an introverted person, I still liked to talk to the people I knew. But I had trouble initiating conversations with people I didn't know or was meeting for the first time.

I really wonder how Yoo Ra puts up with me. I must be such a clingy friend.

I rested my face on my arms and put my head on the table. The professor hadn't shown up yet, might as well take a nap.


I felt a sharp pain on my head, causing me to wake up. I held my head as it stung with pain.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" exclaimed a voice near me.

I looked over to see a good looking guy clutching his books with his eyes wide. I guess he accidentally hit me with his book.

"It's okay. Class is about to start anyways; you woke me up," I mumbled, with my bleary, half open eyes on the verge of closing again.

I sighed as I took out my writing materials and mentally prepared myself to learn. I rubbed my eyes, trying to feel less sleepy.

"You want some candy? It's helped me pull many all-nighters and you seem like you need one," the guy chuckles.

I perk up at the mention of candy. Looks like all the lessons about not taking sweets from strangers are going to waste.

"Yes, please! I'll forgive you for hitting me!"

He reaches inside his bag, pouting,"I thought you already did?"

"Did I? Well the candy makes it official," I smiled.

He hands me the candy, his dark eyes gleaming under the bright lights of the auditorium.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

  Would you grab my arm, so I can tell my friends I've been touched by an angel?  

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