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Jimin: hey Sira, tomorrow is Taehyung's birthday and I wanted to bake a cake for him but I don't know how :(

Jimin: Would you mind helping?

Sira: Sure! Just tell me when and where

Sira was confused. Jimin was behaving perfectly normal, like he didn't leave a cheesy note in her room and confess his feelings.

A beep from her phone drew her attention back to the ongoing conversation.

Jimim: How about 4 pm, my place?

Sira: Okay, see you later


Jimin was nervous, partly because he might burn the house down and partly because Sira was coming over.

He scanned over his kitchen counter, making sure most of the ingredients from the recipe were there. He was anxiously anticipating the impending ringing of his doorbell.

When it actually did ring, he jumped up, heart pounding, because wow that was so sudden.

Jimin walked towards the door, footsteps loud and clear, as he opened the door to allow Sira to enter.

They made awkward small talk, with Jimin pretending that he didn't sneak into her room to secretly confess, and Sira trying to get a reaction out of him.

"Looks like you're prepared," Sira commented, looking at the ingredients laid out on the table.

Jimin smiled weakly, still feeling the nervousness like a hot mess in his chest.

"Okay, then let's begin. Grab the flour please."

Doing as he was told, Jimin picked up the unopened bag of flour and held it up, waiting for further instructions.

"Um, open it," Sira looked at him strangely, while gathering eggs, a bowl and a spoon.

She placed the bowl on the counter, gesturing for Jimin to pour the flour inside. Hesitantly, he tipped the bag slightly, causing a steady stream of flour to fall into the bowl. As it fell, clouds of flour flew up into the air.

Jimin felt an ominous tickling sensation in his nose. Soon enough, a sneeze wracked through him, causing his hands to jerk and leave a large cloud of flour to blow into his face.

Sira stared in shock. She didn't know how a simple task like pouring flour into a bowl could end up like this. Maybe this is why he asked for help.

Looking at his flour covered face, Sira tried to stifled her laughter, lips pressed together and shoulders silently shaking.

"Go ahead. Laugh. This is why I leave the desserts to Jin," Jimin sighed.

Having gotten approval, Sira burst into fits of laughter, unable to stop as Jimin resignedly wiped his face

"You know what, you should go take a shower. I'll do the baking," Sira managed to say in between giggles.

"I'm sorry, I really did want to help," Jimin pouted.

"Trust me, you'd help a lot more if you go back to looking like human rather than an extra in a low-budget horror movie."

After a few moments of silence,"Your insults really do take a while to understand and that just makes it more of an insult." Jimin remarked, going into his room.

Sira smiled as she started cracking eggs into the bowl and gently mixed it into the flour. She heard the sound of the shower turning on as she cut the butter into small cubes and added it to the mixture.

She measured a tablespoon of baking powder and mixed it in, along with cocoa powder and chocolate. The only thing remaining was the vanilla essence, but she couldn't find it anywhere on the counter.

Sira decided to go into Jimin's room and see if he was done so that she could ask him about the vanilla essence.

Going inside, his room was nothing out of the ordinary; thick textbooks piled on the table, unmade bed and stationery everywhere.

She spotted the bathroom and made her way towards it, knocking loudly.

"Jimin, are you done? I can't -"

Mid-sentence, the door opened, bright lights and hot steam accompanied the reason for Sira's shock.

In front of her stood Jimin, his dark hair wet and pushed back messily. Water droplets running down his exposed collarbones and to his chest. Not wanting to look down, Sira's fear was made a reality.

He was in a towel. A towel. Just that. A towel.

His toned abs were accompanied by a defined V-line, leading into the depths of the towel.

"Sira? Did you need something?"

Sira was dazed. When he spoke, her eyes quickly moved to meet his, but not before admiring his bare face.

He had the softest looking skin and a sharp jawline, accentuating the curve of his cheekbones. His lips were pale pink and plump, curving in the most heart-fluttering manner when he spoke.

Sira seemed to forget hat she came there for as she looked into his dark eyes.

"Uh, I couldn't find the, um, the vanilla essence," she breathed, still in a haze.

"Oh, it's in the top cupboard on the far right. Come I'll show you."

"No, no, it's alright. I'll get it. You should get dressed," she mumbled, already hurrying out of his room.

Jimin followed, a knowing glint in his eyes. He watched as Sira opened the cupboard, only to realize that the bottle was on the top shelf. Smirking to himself, Jimin sauntered towards Sira.

He stood behind her, his chest against her back, and reached for the bottle over her head. His hand brushed against hers as he lowered it, the pesky bottle successfully in his grasp.

"Ah, thanks for that. I -," Sira started as she turned around, only to see skin.

Her eyes widened as she realized what had happened. She stared at his collarbones, the way the water curved along them before sliding down.

Finally noticing her creepy behavior, Sira grabbed the bottle from his hand and continued making the cake batter.

She quickly poured it into an oiled baking tray and put it in the preheated oven.

"Take it out when the timer beeps," she said, tossing him a pair of oven mitts.

She bid him goodbye while avoiding looking at him and practically ran out.


That night, as Sira thought about the very eventful day, she decided to make a new chapter of her webtoon.

Though this chapter, was not like the others. This one, would need a warning.

Just because she drew only cute things didn't mean that she only thought about cute things. And for the first time, she was going to upload a chapter titled 'Straying Thoughts', mostly involving a certain someone's lips, collarbones and a lot of hickeys.

"KANG SIRA! What is this?!"

A shell-shocked Yoo Ra stood in her doorway, holding out her phone.

"Did you and Jimin already make out? And you didn't tell me?!"

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