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Jimin was distraught. He could feel tears trickling down his face as he drove as fast as he could. He could hear his phone vibrating from the passenger seat but ignored it.

At this point, all he could do was pray. Pray that she'd be okay. That he wasn't too late.

Wiping his cheeks, Jimin tried to maintain a strong front even though all he wanted to do was sob. Cry until the pain went away. Until his heart stopped aching.

Pulling into the car park, Jimin parked his car haphazardly, not caring about trivial matters. He ran to the hospital, only to see a distressed looking Taehyung pacing in front of the reception desk.

Taehyung looked up as he heard loud footsteps echoing in the strangely quiet hospital.

"Jimin, Jimin they won't let me in. They won't even tell me how she is, I'm so scared, I'm -" Taehyungs words were cut off by his gasping breath as he tried to control his tears.

Jimin pulled him into an embrace, both seeeking comfort within each other. They went to the receptionist, more devastated than ever.

"Park Jiyeon, where is she? I got a call from the hospital about her."

"May I know your relationship with her? Only family members are allowed to visit."

"She's my sister and she's dying, will you hurry the fuck up!"

»»————- ♡ ————-««
I wish you hadn't said goodbye because all I want is to see you again.

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