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"No, Sira. It's alright, really. Please," Jimin protested.

"No, I'm treating you to lunch and that's final," I insisted,"You got me from a D to an A. This is the least I can do."

"Fine, just know that I'm not going to be happy about it," he huffed, cheeks puffing up. So cute.

"Good, I don't care," I smiled contentedly, grabbing Jimin by the wrist and dragging him along with me.

It had been more than two months since Jimin began tutoring me, and I was truly grateful for it. My perfectionist ass couldn't bear to see a column of A's with a D in the middle. But now, Jimin dearest has fixed that. Honestly, these tutoring sessions may have been helping my grades, but they haven't been helping my heart.

Jimin is like wine. The longer the you know him, the more you spend time with him, the more amazing he gets. Spending time with him over these two months gave me a whole lot of material for my webtoon. It isn't hard to think of ideas when your crush is in front of you and cute as fuck.

"What are you ordering?"

I looked up to see Jimin looking at me questioningly. The waiter was standing beside our table, waiting for our orders. Looks like I zoned out for a bit.

"Uh, tteokbokki please."

"Are you serious? That's like a snack, eat a proper meal!" Jimin scolded.

Even though he suddenly started to sound a lot like my mom, I couldn't help but smile at his attempt at being strict.

We chatted until our food arrived, occasionally bursting into laughter at our weird conversations. With someone else, I would have been self-conscious; worrying about whether I'm being a nuisance, worrying about whether I'm laughing too loud, or if I look weird. But at that time, it's like there was no one else there. All I could focus on was Jimin.

It's moments like these which make me think, 'Wow, this crush getting really bad. Maybe it isn't a crush anymore?'

I don't have an answer for these thoughts, but I do know that I have definitely changed after meeting Jimin.


I was taking small bites of my rice cake, repeatedly dipping it in the spicy sauce. In front of me, Jimin was slurping up his ramyeon like he hadn't eaten in a week.

Being the stalker that I am, my eyes lingered on him. The food more of a distraction than a meal. I gazed at him, his smooth skin with slight blemishes here and there, his defined jaw that clenched as chewed, his pale pink lips that curved over the chopsticks-

"Sira? Are you okay? You've been zoning out a lot today," Jimin asked, a hint of concern in his voice.

"I'm alright, just a bit tired," I smiled convincingly.

"Hmm sounds fake but okay."

"Excuse me? Right in front of my salad?" I gasped.

And so, we spent the afternoon talking about memes.

Hmm now that I think about it, it sounds like one of the chapters of my webtoon.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

I was feeling a little off today, but you definitely turned me on.

c r i n g e

I'm so excited for the next chapter !!!!!!!

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