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Yoo Ra was sleepy. After laying in bed the whole of Saturday, re-watching old dramas, and binge eating, she was lethargic; slumped onto the couch like an alcoholic after a party. She scrolled through her phone, searching for more means of entertainment, because right now, her life was at a standstill.

This was literally the most boring weekend she had ever had. Even Sira was out with her other friends.

Yoo Ra was just about to drag herself to the fridge, when the doorbell rang. She dragged herself to the door instead, and looked through the peephole and was surprised to see Jimin.

She opened the door, waiting expectantly for him to explain his sudden appearance.

"If you're here for Sira, she's not here."

"I'm not here for Sira. I need to talk to you," Jimin looked confused, even mildly nervous.

"Wow, okay, come on in," Yoo Ra opened the door fully, allowing Jimin to go inside.

Both of them sat down at the dinner table after Yoo Ra poured two cups of juice and set them on the table. 

"So why did you suddenly want to talk to me?" Yoo Ra mused, sipping on her juice.

Jimin fumbled with his phone before giving it to Yoo Ra.

"I found this... webtoon online," Jimin paused, not knowing how to continue.

Yoo Ra's heart dropped. There was a very slight chance that it was the same webtoon, yet she could feel the fear creeping in.

"I was reading it, and I couldn't help but notice that the guy looks kind of like me," he said, pointing to his phone,"you see it too, right?"

"Huh, yeah, you're right. He does look like you. But what has this got to do with me," Yoo Ra uttered, trying to be nonchalant.

"Yeah, just scroll to the last episode. The latest one."

Yoo Ra scrolled, already knowing what she was going to see. She looked at it and faked a shocked gasp.

"It looks familiar, doesn't it?" Jimin sighed.

"Yes, it does-"

"So what I came here for, is to ask you... if Sira, might be the one drawing this webtoon."

"Uh well, that happened on campus and there are always people lurking around everywhere. Maybe someone saw you two and-"

"I really don't think so. It was raining very heavily and no one was around," Jimin looked at her expectantly.

"Okay, fine. Sira's drawing it," Yoo Ra gave in, disappointed in herself.

"Really?!" Jimin exclaimed, his eyes shining,"I'm just going  to tell you this, but please don't tell Sira that I like her. Okay, bye then."

Jimin stood up abruptly, and dashed out of the dorm, leaving Yoo Ra in utter shock.

  »»————- ♡ ————-««  

  I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art.  


omg kill me i have so much stuff to do

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