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  His dark hair was blown all over his face as a gust of wind went by. He ran his fingers through his hair, tousling it. The silver rings on his fingers glinted under the sun.

He leaned against the wall, engrossed in a conversation. His bag was slung loosely across one shoulder. His eyes crinkled, seeming like crescents, as he smiled widely. He spoke animatedly, hands gesturing wildly. His glasses slipping off the bridge of his nose. He laughed as-


I ended up on the floor, falling, when the tree I was leaning against disappeared. 

"I need to get to class, find someone else to lean on," Yoo Ra said as she rushed off towards the West Wing. 

Huh, I guess it wasn't a tree. I sighed, shaking my head and getting up. This crush, or whatever it was, was getting really bad. I don't think I even like the guy; I've never even talked to him. Yet, I always found my eyes straying in his direction.

Well, he  is really good looking...

Yeah but I have better things to do than stare at every hot guy in this damn college, like graduating!

Everyone needs a little eye-candy once in a while. Also, with my grades I could graduate easily.

Must you always be right, conscience?

Yes. I'm a part of you; the only perceptive part, considering how oblivious you are

I never thought the day would come when even my conscience would mock me, but oh well, we can't have everything.

I walked across the campus garden to get to the cafeteria. Finding an empty table, I put my stuff down and sat on the bench. I still had an hour before my next class, so I decided to draw a draft of the next chapter of my webtoon.

Although webtoons are digital art, I still preferred drawing and painting on paper and canvas. Digital drawing doesn't seem to give me same sense of satisfaction as painting on a canvas did.

I took out a few pieces of paper and roughly sketched some panels. My whole webtoon was literally about my own dream relationship.

Like many others, I too, dreamed of going on cute dates with a cute guy and doing couple-y things. The only problem was that I didn't even have a boyfriend in the first place. The only thing I had was a huge, inexplicable crush on the dark haired boy.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got fine written all over you.  

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