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"So, how was your tutoring session?" Yoo Ra asked, smirking.

"It was great, actually. Jimin's a really good teacher," I replied.

"Is that all he's good at?"

"Yes. Because that's all we did. Study," I glared at Yoo Ra, who was having way too much fun with this.

I glanced at my phone when I felt it vibrate.

Unknown: Hi Sira, this is Jimin. Text me whenever you want me to help you :)

Sira: oh hi Jimin. Thanks for all your help. btw, where did you get my number?

I saved his contact and waited for a reply. It was really a little weird how he got my number despite me not giving it to him.

Jimin: taehyung gave it to me

Sira: but I never gave taehyung my number either???

Jimin: oh well, he has a way getting whatever he wants so I don't know either

Sira: it's okay. looks like I'll have to ask him myself

I put away my phone decided to read my own webtoon. Weird, but necessary. As I read through it, I was beginning to feel more and more uncomfortable. It was quite disconcerting to see someone I now knew in person as a character. Coincidentally, the name I had given to the character was similar to Jimin, it was Taemin.

I could feel anxiety brewing within me. Fucking Taehyung. This is all his fault. If he hadn't introduced me to Jimin, I would still be obliviously and happily drawing webtoons. Now I'm anxiously drawing webtoons.

"Stop thinking about whether Jimin is gonna find out and focus on your assignment. It's due tomorrow," Yoo Ra spoke, without looking up from her book.

"I still don't know how you can do that," I gasped.

"And I don't know how you can maintain straight A's when you can't even remember to do your assignments."

"Aw, come, I'll help you," I cooed,"My bestie shouldn't worry when I'm here."

"Actually, I think I should. We have different majors. You don't know anything about architecture. So shut up and do your work," Yoo Ra snapped.

"Fine, I'll do my work," I pouted,"Just know that when I become a rich ass lawyer, I'm cancelling my policy of best friend discounts."

»»————- ♡ ————-««

I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.


You look like you're made up of fluorine, iodine and neon.

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