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"Taehyung, Taehyung, hey! Tae -"

"What is it? Hurry up, I've got a lot of work to do," he snapped.

"Well, um, I need your help with something."


"Jimin. I need to go into his room, without him being there. I realised that he kind of asked me out in that note from earlier and I didn't reply."

Taehyung rubbed his forehead with his fingers,"Pretty sure that kiss was enough of a reply, but I'll give you the keys. He works from 5 to 8 on Mondays, do whatever you need to do."

"Thank you so much!" Sira exclaimed, hugging Taehyung. She grabbed the keys he held out to her and proceeded back to her room.

Although she was happy her plan was going well, she was worried about Taehyung. He looked tense, and it was strange seeing him not being his usual cheerful self.

She knew he wouldn't be stressed about studying, it wasn't his priority. But then what could it be? He may be annoying, but he was still a friend and she did care. Maybe Yoo Ra would know.


"Hey, do you know what's wrong with Taehyung?"

"I was going to ask you to find out," Sira replied.

"It's weird; I've never seen him so upset before."

Sira nodded in agreement, continuing to stick cute stickers on her card. Yoo Ra joined in and together they made Jimin's present.

The part they had trouble with was the rhyme. Sira wanted to reply with a rhyming poem since that's how Jimin asked, but neither of them could come up with anything good.

You're made of sugar, spice and everything nice,
but now I'm gonna have to pay the price.
Fell so fast, I got whiplash
can't believe you like such trash

Yeah, that's as far as my literature skills go. But in case you didn't get it, I like you too and yes I'll go out with you.
~ S


"Did you get the confetti?"

"Yep, it's right here. Move aside I've got to set it up."

"I'm so glad I'm friends with an architect! Who else would help me setup confetti in my crushes closet."

"I don't even know why I'm friends with you," Yoo Ra sighed.

Sira watched her adjusting the confetti so that it would burst as soon as the closet was opened. She carefully placed her present in the middle, closed the closet and hurried out of his room.


Sleeping soundly, Sira was sprawled across her bed in the most unflattering position. However, she was woken up by the incessant beeping of her phone and grumbled as she went to check.

Jimin: Sira
Jimin: I like you sososo much
Jimin: I can't believe you did this
Jimin: 💓💕💖💗💘💝💞💟
Jimin: Let's go out tomorrow :*
Jimin: First I need to get the confetti out of my hair

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Do you have a map? I keep getting lost in your eyes.

I know this is really short but I just finished planning the whole plot and yall are in for some shit

also,,,, what is this

also,,,, what is this

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