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The two spent the next few weeks solemnly, but together. Slightly leaning on each other while walking to and from classes, hanging out at one of their dorms and cuddling, sharing silent looks of understanding.

While Sira and Jimin thought this was fine, Taehyung and Yoo Ra disagreed. They were isolating themselves, and it wasn't going past the two dedicated best friends.


"Well what do you suggest? We can't just drag them to a party or something. They wouldn't like that," Taehyung remarked.

"We can't drag them to the party, but we can bring the party to them," Yoo Ra grinned.

Taehyung's eyes widened with interest,"Tell me more."


Taehyung and Yoo Ra were out shopping, both pushing the trolley as they strolled around the store. They were grabbing everything that seemed relatively appealing and piling it onto the cart.

From chips to frozen pizzas to drinks, they had enough to feed an army, so they decided to move on to the next shop, which just happened to be a party store.

They spent ages picking out streamers, balloons and a million other items.

"Do we really need the neon pink party hats?"

"Yes! We need to fulfill the aesthetic! But we can toss out the cat ears, they don't seem necessary."

"What did you just say?! I couldn't hear such an atrocity with my own two ears. The cat ears stay."


"Quit playing around Taehyung! This party needs to be amazing," Yoo Ra chided.

Taehyung, however, was too busy trying to balance a party hat on his face.

Yoo Ra reached out and whacked the hat off his face, throwing a packet of balloons at him.

Opening the packet, he pouted, bringing a balloon to his mouth.

"It's so coincidental that both of their birthdays are only two days apart," Taehyung remarked,"Instead of two parties, we can just have one big one."

Face turning red from blowing balloons, Yoo Ra was unable to reply. Taehyung started to blow up a balloon, eyebrows furrowed with his full concentration. Too bad the balloon didn't seem to fill up at all.

Out of breath and frustrated, Taehyung glared at the deflated balloon.

Sighing, Yoo Ra took the balloon from him and blew it up herself, while Taehyung grinned mischievously.

"Wasn't that an indirect kiss?" he mused.

Yoo Ra dropped the balloon. It flew around as the air escaped from it and deflated.

Shaking her head at his childishness, Yoo Ra went back to work, picking up more balloons.

"Hey, don't ignore me!" Taehyung protested.

Ignoring him, Yoo Ra continued with her work. But Taehyung wasn't having that.

He moved closer to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her near him. Ripping the balloon away from her mouth, he replaced it with his own.

He kissed her; gently and gingerly. Threading his fingers through her hair, he kissed her softly. She kissed back, making him smile into the kiss as they moved in sync.

Taehyung held on to Yoo Ra's shoulders as he pushed her onto the floor, hovering over her. They pulled apart, breathing heavily and staring at each other.

Arching upwards, Yoo Ra initiated the kiss this time, putting her arms around Taehyung's neck. It was different from the previous one. This was hotter, and more passionate, messy and rushed, but enthralling.

Just as things were getting steamy, the door slammed.

"What in the world?!"


»»————- ♡ ————-««

You're pretty and I'm cute, together we'd be pretty cute.

All of you are absolute angels and I love you so much 💕

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