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"What the heck?!"

"Well I'm sorry I like sour things and your stupid prank didn't work out!" I huffed. "But that candy was really good."

"It's so sour! No one likes it; I bought it accidentally! How could you just eat it without a reaction?!" he exclaimed.

"I did react! I smiled, because I liked it. Now shut up and let me learn smart people things!" I rolled my eyes, turning to face the front.

I started to take down notes as the professor continued with the lesson.


As soon as the class ended, I packed up my belongings and headed towards the exit. I had just left the room, only to be shoved from behind.

"Hey, wait!"

It was the same guy.

"What is it?" I snapped exasperatedly, "Why have you come to bother me now?"

"Um I kind of fell asleep in the middle of the lecture so could you lend me your notes?", he asked sheepishly.

"Fine, just remember to return them to me," I sighed.

"Thanks! By the way, I'm Taehyung. I just realized that we don't even know each others names." he grinned.

"Not exactly nice to meet you Taehyung, I'm Sira and I need to leave," I said as I pushed my notes into his hands and beelined towards the canteen.

"Bye Sira!" he yelled, waving towards my retreating form.

»»————- ♡ ————-««

  I'd say God Bless you, but it looks like he already did.  

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