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Slumped on the table, Sira sighed, feeling the tiredness take over. She silently prayed that the professor wasn't here so that she could go back to bed.

Unfortunately, that didn't happen. Instead, she felt someone patting her head. She looked up to see none other than Jimin.

"Hi, what are you doing here?" Sira enquired.

"I couldn't make it to my psychology lecture yesterday, so the professor told me I could make up for it today."

"Oh. Why couldn't you make it to yesterdays one?"

"Uh. I had a doctor's appointment," he said, making himself comfortable in the seat beside me.

Somehow, she wasn't convinced, but she let it go and concentrated on the lecture.


Sira trudged to her dorm after long, tiring lecture and flopped onto her bed. Grabbing a towel, she decided to take a shower.

The warm water and scented soaps never failed to relax her. She wrapped the towel around herself and tied a tight knot, making sure to prevent any chances of it falling, because that's what happens in every book, doesn't it?

Sira went to her closet, alteady prepared to grab the first item of clothing in sight.

She gripped the handle, yanking it open, only to be met with a face full of balloons.

There were blue and silver balloons floating around her room, all originating from her closet. She peered inside to see all her clothes stacked neatly on the sides, leaving an empty space in the middle.

In that space was a basket, a basket overflowing with flowers. The collection of daisies, carnations, pansies, lilies and tulips was so vast that it was spilling out of the basket and onto the cupboard.

Sira gently picked up the basket and placed it on her bed, feeling overwhelmed by the sweet gesture. She spotted a sliver of white amongst the colourful flowers and sifted through the flowers to take it out.

It was a note, most likely from the person who set up this heart-warming gesture. While taking out the note, Sira discovered that the basket was not only filled with flowers, but also sweets and chocolate, which was buried under the beautiful flowers.

Sira legitimately felt her heart melting and picked up the note, eager to know who this is from.

"I like you; more than friends and enough to know that I'd love to spend my life with you,

you could be the Bonnie to my Clyde, the Harley Quinn to my Joker and the Rose to my Jack (except smarter because we all know that they could both have fit on that plank)

hopefully yours,
Jimin ♡

»»————- ♡ ————-«« 

Roses are red, violets are blue, it would be a shame if I couldn’t date you!

Get ready
I'm excited :)))

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