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Wow, I never thought I'd willingly do this. Ever.

"Hey Taehyung!" I exclaimed, probably sounding extremely fake.

"Hey Sira!" he replied, just as enthusiastically. It's like he's on a permanent sugar high.

"How're you doing?" I asked, a sickeningly sweet smile on my face. I couldn't just start interrogating him immediately; I needed to get on his good side first.

"I'm great! But are you okay? You're being... nice," he mused, raising his brows slightly.

Well shit, I might as well just ask him considering that my plan has marvelously flopped.

"Okay, so the other day, in the hallway when you returned my notes you were with your friends, right?" I questioned.

He nodded, starting to pay attention to the class as the professor had arrived.

"One of your friends has black hair? Short compared to you, but a tree compared to me? Killer eyesmile?" I bombarded him with descriptions.

"Whoa, slow down. Yes, I know him; his name is Jimin. But why do you ask?" he queried, smirking, "Does someone have a crush?"

"No," I replied calmly, as my nails dug into my palm due to how hard I was clenching my fist. Clearly, I wasn't calm.

"It's okay, you don't have to admit it. I can see it in your eyes; it was love at first sight!" Taehyung declared, swishing his arms dramatically into the air as he proceeded to pat my head and take a vow of silence in order to reassure me that 'no one would be finding out about my forbidden love'.

"Taehyung, sweetie, maybe you should stop watching chick flicks and delete your Wattpad account," I spoke condescendingly.

He stuck his tongue out at me and turned away.

Whatever the case was, at least now I had a name for hotass.

At least now I could stop calling him that. It was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw him and  somehow it stuck. I was never a very dirty-minded person, but as soon as Jimin came into the picture...my pure, innocent thoughts went flying out the window.  

  Are you religious? Because, damn, you're the answer to all my prayers.  


hi this is super unedited and i wrote it in 20 min so it probably sucks im sorry

also,,,, im going to be adding a terribly cheesy pick up line to the end of every chapter

bye lol

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