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"Sira! Is your leg okay?"

"Yeah, Jimin, it's fine. Thanks for asking," I smiled.

"Okay great, because tomorrow you and I are going to spend some quality time," Jimin sang out.

"What? Since when was this planned?"

"Since right now. You and me are gonna go out and have fun. I'll pick you up at 7, so be ready," he grinned.

I was taken aback by the sudden invitation, but agreed regardless. Who could say no to that adorable face?

Anyways, I was just going to laze around in my dorm and order takeout. Might as well get a life.

Earlier that day...

Jimin was tired. After three lectures consecutively, he wanted nothing more than to snuggle into his bed.

He lugged his heavy bag and trudged towards his dorm, planning to stop at the convenience store on the way.

Feeling lightheaded after walking in scorching sun, he felt a snese of relief as he stepped into the air conditioned store.

He went to the drinks section and grabbed some milk and juice before heading to the cashier. He placed the items on the counter and waited for them to be scanned.

The lethargic looking cashier was a young girl, probably aeound his own age. She was slowly scanning the bottles, looking like she'd rather be anywhere than here. Jimin could relate.

Although he loved his major, sometimes the workload was just too much.

"Your total is $9.30," the cashier spoke monotonously, not once looking up at him.

Jimin handed over some money and waited for the change. The cashier slowly counted each coin and eventually held them out for him to take.

Jimin, however, had dozed off leaning against the counter. The cashier looked up when he didn't take the change and gasped loudly.

Jimin was startled and jolted awake. He bowed awkwardly and took the change. Turning to leave, he was shocked when the cashier grabbed his arm.

"You look exactly like him!" she exclaimed. She took out her phone and began scrolling theough it.

Throughout this time, Jimin stood there, awkward and confused.

"Here! Look at this!" she pushed her phone in his direction.

Jimin looked at the screen, still not understanding what was going on.

The girl looked at him impatiently and urged him to scroll. Only then did Jimin realise that she was showing him a webtoon.

He scrolled slowly, inspecting each panel, wondering why the cashier was showing him this.

A quarter way through the episode, he realized it. He looked carefully at the male lead, his eyes widening in recognition.

"I-Is this me?" he whispered.

"You see it too! Oh my god, this is amazing," the cashier squealed.

"What's this webtoon called?" Jimin asked.

"It's called 'In My Dreams'. The artist is so relatable. She said she name it that way because she would probably never get to live out her 'perfect boyfriend fantasies' in real life."

Jimin was intrigued. Who was making webtoons with him as a character? That too a webtoon about a relationship? It had to be someone at the college.

Jimin hurried home with a newfound determination. He wanted to read the webtoon, hoping it would give him hints about who was drawing it.

He opened his laptop and searched for the webtoon. He found it quickly as it was quite popular.

Jimin began reading it and was slightly weirded out by the sight of himself going on imaginary dates and doing cute things.

He didn't find anything significant in any of the chapters, though he had to admit, some of them were pretty dang cute. Next time he goes on a date he should read this for ideas.

He blushed slightly as the thought of going on a date crossed his mind, the image of a certain someone popped into his head.

He continued reading, surprised to see that he had reached the latest chapter which had been uploaded a few hours ago.

As he read, his eyes widened. Jaw dropping as he saw a very familiar scene.

There was webtoon Jimin, carrying the webtoon girl through the rain and tucking her into bed, exactly like how real Jimin had carried...Sira.

»»————- ♡ ————-««
Did you pay full price for those clothes? Because at my place, they'd be 100% off.


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