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I took a big gulp of my coffee, laying my head on the table. I had a pounding headache. No, it wasn't a hangover.

I spent my weekend huddled in my blankets binge watching both seasons of Stranger Things and Riverdale. Therefore getting negligible sleep.

"Heyyy Sira,"drawled an annoying voice which I was very familiar with.

"Ugh, kill me." Aren't I an angel? The epitome of courtesy and politeness?

"Hmm I don't think you'll be wanting to die if you look up," Taehyung smirked,"Also, if you died my ship wouldn't sail and I won't let that happen."

I looked up. I could feel the blood run out of my face as my eyes widened.


In front of me was Taehyung, looking extremely smug, beside Park Jimin.

I could feel my soul leaving my body.

"Sira, meet Jimin. Jimin, meet Sira."

"Hello!" Oh God. He smiled. He better stop before I have a heart attack.

"H-Hi," I mumbled, trying not look like I was just checking him out.

Please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me, please don't talk to me. Just go away.

"Taehyung has told me a lot about you."


"Oh, really. That's surprising," I managed to say.

I looked over his shoulder because making eye contact would be awkward. I spotted Yoo Ra in the distance, walking in my direction.

She had seen me and was furrowing her brows at the new addition to our table. Hopefully, my best friend telepathy works and she can recognize my panicky expression.

I could see her jaw drop when she realized who was in front of me, but when her lips raised into a smirk, I feared for whatever was going to hapoen soon.

Yoo Ra was nearing the table already, her smirk still intact. As she came closer, she angled her body and bumped into...Jimin.

His eyes widened, as he fell forward, unable to regain his balance.

I was in shock. Park Jimin was falling. Falling forward. On me.

»»————- ♡ ————-«« 

Are you Mcdonalds? Cause I'm lovin it!

an extra one for threeletterslife 

If you were a Transformer, you'd be Optimus Fine.

Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?

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