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"Ah shit," I cursed, fumbling around inside my bag. I was currently standing at the entrance of the West Wing. My class had ended late, and everyone dashed out as soon as the professor dismissed us.

The reason for my dilemma was that it was raining. Heavily. To the point that I could barely see anything in front of me. Making the situation worse, I couldn't find my umbrella.

"You didn't bring an umbrella either?"

I turned to see a very different looking Jimin.

"Yeah, but what's with the clothes?" I questioned.

All the T-shirts he wears are printed and literally every pair of jeans he owns are black. Yet, here he is, in a white T-shirt and blue over ripped jeans.

"I stayed at one of my friend's house and all he wears are white shirts, so here I am."

"Okay. How are you going to get through the rain? I was thinking that I should just make a run for it."

"That seems to be the best plan we've got."

"Where're you going to be running to?"

"Dorm M. You?"

"Dorm F."

"Let's get going then, the rain doesn't seem to be stopping anytime soon."

Jimin and I looked at each other, sharing a moment of mutual sympathy, before we stepped away from the shelter of the building.

The rain hammered down on me and I clutched my bag to my chest. I could feel the adrenaline running through my veins as I sprinted across the field. A vague, blurry figure was visible beside me.

The water had very quickly seeped through my clothes and I was now drenched. I decided to take a break in the shelter of a nearby building because my unfit ass couldn't handle this much running, especially with the rain being a huge obstacle.

I bent down, hands on my knees, as I caught my breath. From the footsteps behind me, I figured that Jimin was taking a break along with me.

"How're you holding up?" I asked, turning to look at him. And bless my soul, it took my breath away all over again. His white T-shirt was now translucent and clinging to his body. Faint outlines of his abdomen were visible through his shirt, giving me a nice view of his toned abs.

"Pretty okay," he panted. I sincerely hope that I'm not drooling.

"Uh, okay, let's go now. I want to take a nap as soon as possible," I blurted.

Bracing myself, I took off into the blinding rain with water stinging my eyes. Instinctively, I turned right, knowing that my dorm building would be only one building away.

Unfortunately for me, I had to stop at that building, where Jimin caught up to me and I had to avoid looking at him again.

We stood there in silence, our breaths echoing in the empty lobby.

"Your dorm is next, right?"

"Yeah, it is."

"Mine is still quite far," he pouted, making me look away. I swear, this boy is bad for my health.

"Let's get going or we'll catch a cold," Jimin prodded my shoulder.

I sighed, but nodded in agreement. But as I began to move, I felt a piercing pain in my left leg.

"Oh. Oh no. No, no, no!" I groaned. I slumped onto the ground, clutching my thigh.

Jimin looked alarmed.

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