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Trigger warning: sexual assault

"Yoo Ra! Yoo Ra, two years ago. When that happened," Sira gasped for breath, tears welling up in her eyes.

"What? Did you have a nightmare? Why are you suddenly bringing that up?"

"Jimin's sister passed away. That's why him and Taehyung have been gone so long."

"But what has that got to do with... the incident?"

"His sister was in a coma for two years. She got into a car accident. In July. The car was swerving everywhere. The car that crashed into hers was empty by the time the police reached."

Sira sat down on the sofa, more tears trickling down her face as she repeatedly wiped them off.

Yoo Ra sat down next to her, suddenly hit by the severity of the situation.

"You think ... the two accidents might be the same one. Oh god. I think you and Jimin should talk about this. He needs to know."

"I know that! But I don't have it in me to talk about that incident. It took me so long to recover from it."

"You have to."

Sira sunk into the couch holding her head in her hands as she lamented over the terrible situation.

She had only just gotten into a happy relationship and her life was changing for the better. But now he was ruining it, ruining everything again. Did she not deserve happiness?


"Y'know, when you first asked me out, I was so skeptical about you. I really didn't think it would work out." Sira smiled, getting into the passenger seat of his car.

"Wow, I'm offended," he joked, starting the car.

"But look at us now, we're celebrating our first anniversary!"

He smiled at Sira and started driving. He was going to drop her home after their date.

Unknown to Sira, he had other intentions.

"Now that we've been together a year, shouldn't we take our relationship to the next level?" Suddenly his smile seemed much more sinister.

Sira was confused, she didn't understand what he meant by that.
Until his hand rested on her thigh.

"Um, I'm not - I mean, I don't think I'm ready for that."

"What do you mean you're not ready? We've been together for a year. You love me and I love you. There's no reason for us not to."

Sira was growing more and more uncomfortable by the second. His hand was stroking her thigh, reaching higher and higher.

"Please, I'm not comfortable doing this right now."

His hand tightened, eyes darkening.

"But baby, I love you, can't you even do this much for me?"

"I love you too, but sex is something that I find to be important to me and I want to wait until marriage. I've told you before."

He was driving with one hand on the steering wheel. It was getting dark, and the road was secluded.

"What about me, bitch? I've spent this entire year doing what you want and giving you want you wanted. Now I get what I want, whether you like it or not."

He harshly pushed her skirt up and reached between her legs. She struggled, trying to pry his hands off her, but to no avail.

Panic seized her; Sira's heart was beating uncomfortably fast. Tears began to trickle down her face as she struggled.

"I-I never asked you to do anything for me! You chose to do it yourself, then why are you doing this to me?!" she gasped for breath.

Then came a red light. He stopped the car, turning to face her, a  menacing look in his eyes.

Sira was scared out of her mind. This wasn't the same person she knew and loved. He couldn't do this to her, but this monster in front of her seemed nothing like him.

Taking advantage of the situation, he pounced. Gripping her shirt and trying to wrestle it over her head. Sira thrashed around, trying to deter him as she cried. Sobbing, wailing, screaming.

Nothing seemed to stop him, he ravaged her body, taking a sadistic sort of pleasure in his disgusting acts.

Soon enough, the light turned green, and he pressed down on the accelerator. One hand driving, the other busy.

The road was desolate, the trees casting eerie shadows. Sira was weeping, at her fate, at her choices, at her stupid decisions.

Feeling a sudden burst of anger, she hit him. Forgetting that they were on the road, forgetting that he was driving, she hit him. Kicking, slapping, smacking. Where ever she could reach, she fought.

He tried to restrain her, but one hand wasn't enough. As soon as he took his hand off the wheel, the car swerved.

He held the wheel again. But Sira wasn't done yet. She tried to reach around him and unlock the door from the driver's side. She would rather die jumping out of the car than stay with him any longer.

He tried to hold her back, and she just pushed back. During their brawl, the steering wheel was pushed around, to the point that they were swerving all over the road.

It was too late when they saw the headlights ahead of them.

All Sira remembers is bright lights, the grating screech of metal against metal, a shrill scream.

She remembered being in a daze as her boyfriend, her piece of shit rapist boyfriend, pulled her out of the car. She remembered seeing the other car, which was reduced to no more than a mangled wreck. She remembered being carried and then dumped by the side of the road some distance away.

The next thing she saw was her mother, crying next to her hospital bed.

This chapter has serious themes and I just want to say that if anyone has ever been through such a situation, please talk to someone about it. Keeping things to yourself will only hurt yourself more.  Don't be afraid to report the culprit. Such people don't deserve to be feared or pitied. Get help, get better and move on.

On a lighter note, I bet you guys are relieved it wasn't Sira haha

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