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It was just a normal day of college; with me waking up late, cursing my terrible fate and having to sprint to class.

Walking through the throng of students in various states of mental breakdowns, I felt like I had a secret identity. It had been 3 months since I first uploaded my webtoon online, and I had been updating weekly.

I was intentionally avoiding checking the number of views, because I didn't want to be disappointed. Drawing the webtoon made me happy and I wanted to do that regardless of whether people like it or not.

As I walked towards my unassigned assigned seat, I happened to hear bits and pieces of the conversations around me.

"I really think you should dump him, he's a terrible person!"

"Brooo, did you do the homework last week? 'Cause I didn't"

"I'm surviving on 5 cups of coffee and 3 hours of sleep, please leave me alone." Relatable

"Stop reading your comic things and talk to me!"

"But it's really good and literally the incarnation of all my fantasies"

That sounds familiar...

"Sira, can you hurry up! Why is it taking you so long to reach your seat?!"

Ah, there she is. My bestie, my first love, my favourite person in the world.

"You need to get your lazy ass up earlier!" Yoo Ra glared.

"Do you really think that will happen?" I raised my brows.

"I hope it does. Someday," she mused.

"Anyways, I think I heard those girls in the second row talking about my webtoon," I whispered excitedly.

"Really? Wow, that's great!"

"Isn't it?! I'm so happy that at least some people like it," I sighed, happy that my hard work has paid off.


The breeze blew my hair all over my face as I stepped outside the building. Yoo Ra and I were going to the campus garden to hand out for a bit. We were hoping to make it there quickly and find a good spot because it was a popular place for the students.

"Hey, it's the Ra-Ra couple!" a gleeful voice exclaimed.

"Go away Taehyung," I grumbled.

"Why? I could give you more info about your crush," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Crush? This is the first I'm hearing of this," Yoo Ra looked at me in shock.

"That's because there is no crush! Remember hotass? Yeah, well Taehyung knows him, so I asked for his name. That's all."

"Awwww you even have a nickname for him! I ship it," Taehyung declared.

While he was lost in his world of fantasy, I grabbed Yoo Ra's hand and made my getaway.

We found a shady tree and settled down under it. We were about to start talking when we heard a voice behind us,"Oh my God! That was so cute! I love this webtoon."

And so, we ended up eavesdropping on other people's conversation.

"Did you see the latest chapter of that webtoon?"

"Which one? You know I read a lot of them."

"The one that recently became popular - In My Dreams."

"Oh yes! The guy in the webtoon is so hot!"

"He is, but I always get this feeling that I've seen him before."

"Yeah, he does look familiar."

Yoo Ra and I looked at each other in unison.

I'm so screwed.

"What if he finds out?" I whispered.

"He still won't know who's drawing the webtoon," Yoo Ra assured.

"I'm so scared. Shit. He's gonna find out and then he'll think I'm a creep," I whimpered.

"Do you actually have a crush on him?" Yoo Ra asked, with an amused smile.

"No! He's just hot!" I hissed.

"I'm starting to think Taehyung was right," she said.

»»————- ♡ ————-«« 

I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out?

s o m u c h h o m e w o r k
yet here i am

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