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I held my breath, waiting for the inevitable as Jimin seemed to fall in slow motion. The back of my legs hit the table as I leaned back, Jimin's hands slammed against the table on either side of me as he steadied himself.

His body was towering over mine, our faces inches apart. His lips, oh his beautiful lips, were parted in shock. He was so close that I could hear him breathe, his warm breath hitting my shoulder.

I was in a stupor. I couldn't see, hear or think about anything except Jimin. It's like his presence was intoxicating. My brain had turned to mush in the presence of a guy this hot.

We seemed to be frozen in the awkward position; neither of us moving. I stared at the side of his face, his skin looking as smooth as white chocolate. I love white chocolate.

His jaw clenched, which I had a very nice view of, and he pushed himself up, and away from me.

"Uh sorry," he muttered,"Tae, I'll get going now."

Taehyung, however, was too busy to reply.

"Did you see them?! They're so cute!" Yoo Ra squealed.

"I know! And it only happened because of you, great thinking," he exclaimed.

"I thought we were friends, Yoo Ra," I mumbled.

"We are, and you should be thanking me," she huffed,"I got you up close and personal with a hot guy."

Whatever I may say, deep down, I knew that today's encounter was definitely good. Bad if he found out about the webtoon, but good because...

Actually I don't know why it's good. Not an uncommon occurrence. I don't know what my brain is doing most of the time.

»»————- ♡ ————-«« 

Are you the sun? Because your beauty is blinding me. 🌞🌝

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