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"I'd like it to be," Jimin said, looking directly into her eyes,"but you can consider it whatever you want it to be."

To say the least, Sira was shook. She gaped at him, eyes wide, unable to form a comprehensible sentence. 

"Well, what are you waiting for? Let's go," Jimin tugged on her hand, dragging her towards the restaurant. 

They settled down at a cosy corner booth. Jimin was practically beaming, while Sira was still in shock. She flipped through the menu blankly, reading but not comprehending. Several thoughts were running through her mind.

'Is there a chance he returns my feelings?'

'Or was he joking? He is quite a playful person.'

'Maybe -

"May I take your order?"

Sira's thoughts were interrupted by the waiter. She quickly blurted out the first dish she saw. The waiter took their orders and left.

"Hey, Sira, I want to ask you something," Jimin said, looking at her expectantly.

"Yeah, sure. Go ahead."

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" Jimin grinned widely, eyes crinkling.

Sira was taken aback by the unexpected question but maintained a straight face as she replied,"I lost my number, can I have yours?"

Jimin threw his back as he laughed loudly. Sira smiled, laughing along with him. His happiness was truly a beautiful sight.

"Okay, okay, wait," Jimin wheezed, trying to catch his breath,"Are you made of Copper and Tellerium? Becauss you're CuTe."

"If you were a booger I'd pick you first."

"Oh God that's terrible," he grinned, shaking his head in disbelief.

"It's okay, you tried. No one can beat the master," Sira jokingly remarked.

"Oh really? You haven't seen my full potential yet. We'll see who's the master then," Jimin challenged.

"Bring it on newbie, I'll show you how it's done."


Jimin supported Sira as they walked out of the restaurant. She was giggling incessantly, unable to stop as the pick up lines got worse as time passed.

Jimin's arm was around Sira's waist, holding her up as she stumbled slightly. Only two glasses of wine and she was tipsy.

Jimin couldn't keep the smile off his face. Everything went exactly as he had wanted it except for the low alcohol tolerance. That was an  unexpected surprise.

He sat her down on the passenger seat of the car and leaned in to fasten the seat belt.

Sira kept fidgeting, complaining about the chilly weather. She seemed to stiffen suddenly as Jimin leaned towards her into the car.

She could see the side of his face directly in front of her, his earring glinting in the moonlight, and she had an inexplicable urge to touch it. Unfortunately, she wasn't drunk enough to do that. The rational part of her mind was alive and functional, sending warning signals as her thoughts strayed.


He turned to face her, realizing the proximity between their faces.

Sira looked him in eyes and spoke,"I'd like it to be a date too."

She could feel the minimal alcohol running through her veins, acting as a mixture of courage and adrenaline.

After what seemed like an eternity, Jimin moved back and shut the door. He went to the drivers side and started the car, feeling giddy with happiness.

I really love reading all your comments, and if you realised, I mostly reply in emojis because I'm socially awkward and don't want to scare you away

also, show some love to 'foresee'! It's my first story and is quite important to me

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