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My shoulders hunched under the heavy weight of my bag which was bulging due to the amount of books in it. As I trudged towards my locker, I mentally cursed the professors for requiring so many books. I put in my locker combination and began arranging my books neatly. I sighed as I slotted in the last book and closed my locker. Finally, I would be able to go to the canteen and enjoy a nice, hot meal. Maybe I should get fried chicken? Or pizza?

Just as I was going to run to the canteen, someone leaned against the locker next to mine causing me to snap out of my food-induced reverie. I looker up, only to see Taehyung.

"Hey, what're you dreaming about?" he asked, a teasing glint in his eyes.

"Certainly not you, so don't even try with the pick up lines," I huffed.

"How did you know?" he grinned.

"Too many TV shows and too much fanfic. Anyways, why are you here?" I questioned.

"To return your notes. Thanks for lending them to me," he said while handing me my notebook.

"Thanks and next time don't sleep in class"

"Not likely," he chuckled as he walked away from me.

"Also, you should improve your handwriting; I could barely read it," he snickered, walking towards his friends.

I looked offended momentarily before accepting the reality. This wasn't the first time I was told that my handwriting is shit. Still, I glared at Taehyungs' back as he left with his friends.

However, I was slightly taken aback when I found one of his friends to look familiar. I could only see his back, yet, I felt that I knew him or at least saw him before. 

  »»————- ♡ ————-«« 

I must be in a museum, because you truly are a work of art. 

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