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Arka didn't know why but he woke up early that day. It supposed to be Gemma but when he checked her on her room, Gemma was still sleeping.

Probably she was exhausted from work. She came home late yesterday, said that the Queen ordered more breads.
If it wasn't because he didn't want the Prince to take over the throne, Arka would have cursed her.
His poor sister came home with no more energy left on her body last night and Arka thought it wasn't wise to wake her up now.

Thinking to be a good brother, Arka was the one who walked to the market.
He was sure Nina would be surprised seeing him instead of Gemma but he wasn't care. He just hoped that Nina wouldn't give him a longer speech today.

When Arka stepped inside the market, he knew Nina would be shocked but he never thought that woman to be overreacted.
She gasped loudly and covered her mouth with her hands, widened her eyes.
"Arka Maynhard??? Is that really you??? In my market at dawn?? Shopping??"

Arka rolled his eyes. "Yes, yes, yes and yes. Yes, it's me, Arka Maynhard. Yes, it's really me. Yes, I'm standing in your market and yes, I'm shopping groceries. Happy??"

Nina chuckled responding to Arka's words. "Oh, my dear boy. You're too sensitive. Well, what can I say?? Every male does." Nina said, shrugged her shoulders. "So, what can I help you with??"

"The truth is..." Arka answered. "...I have no idea what am I doing. I don't know what to buy and clearly don't know how to choose. Which one fish is better? This one or that one?" He asked, pointed two kinds of fish above a basket filled with iced.

Nina sighed deeply as she walked toward him. "Good, now you know how hard it is to be a woman. In the future, Arka, you better treat your wife right. Remember how hard it is to wake up before dawn, shopping then cook it for you. If you treat your woman wrong, I'll hurt you myself."

Arka cringed a bit, got lost of what kind of subject Nina was talking about.
He just nineteen years old and marriage was not on his mind now but to prevent Nina from making a longer speech, Arka just nodded.

"Where's your sister??" Nina asked as she took a bunch of spinach and handed it to Arka.

"Um...she's still sleeping. Tired, I guess. Yesterday she came home late from the bakery." Arka answered.

Nina widened her eyes in shock. She placed her hands on her hips. "What?? Why the hell Geer ask her to work that hard??"

Arka shrugged. "No idea. Gemma said something about the Queen's order though."

Nina tsked, turned her face from Arka. "That baker! I have to talk to him about this."

Arka chose to not respond on that. Though he knew Nina well, it's Gemma who knew her better. So he clearly had no idea about a thing between Nina and Geer.

"So how's you going to cook all of that??" Nina asked him again, pointed his groceries.
Arka grimaced his face as he felt confused about the thing called cook.
The only thing he could do was boiling the water. That's why Gemma was the one who's responsible to their food.
He stared at Nina helplessly and the lady got the sign.

She rolled her eyes as she waved her hand. "Come. Come. I'll help." Nina said.

The lady told someone on her market to take charge for a while and Arka followed Nina to her house.
Not wasting more time, Nina brought him to her kitchen and the lady quickly started the fire.

"You probably never cook but you do help your sister, right??" Nina asked, narrowed her eyes at him.

"Um..yeah, sure." Arka answered.

"Good." Nina said. "Cut the carrots and the spinach for me."

So Arka did as he been told. For a moment, he forgot how Gemma used to cut the carrot. Was she diced it or just made it round?

"How's your work, Arka?" Nina suddenly asked while she cleaned the fish.
"It's great. This month we harvest the watermelon." Arka answered.

Nina sighed deeply. "I can't believe two teenagers like you have to do so much work! You both should take a rest, enjoy your young age. You won't be nineteen again, do you know that?"

Yeah, of course Arka knew. He wanted the same, especially for his sister. But unfortunately, they're not normal teenagers.

"Yeah, we maybe won't have nineteen years old for the second time but if we do the 'enjoy' thing, we won't have money to eat and we clearly won't make it to twenty." Arka replied.

Nina didn't say anything as respond and Arka knew better than making another conversation about their life.
He cleaned the vegetables with clean water then gave it to Nina.
The lady was frying the fish and Arka's stomach was grumbling from the smell.
Nina then cooked the vegetables with onion and chilly, the aroma made Arka sneezed a few times.
Gosh, it stung his nose badly!

"I offered her to live with me, you know." Nina suddenly talked again. "Gemma, I mean. I offered her to stay with me once."

Arka bit his inner cheek from making a sarcastic comment. How dare she tried to take her sister away from him.
Gemma was the only thing he had. His only family.

"Of course Gemma said no." Nina continued, ignored Arka's reaction. "I didn't mean to tell her to leave you, you have to know that. I just want a better chance for Gemma. You see her, Arka. She's a beautiful girl but she never realize it. She closes her eyes from that fact. I don't know about you, but, do you notice that some men are attracted to her??"

Arka automatically pouted his lips. "She's nineteen, Nina. Six minutes younger than me. It's too early to talk about man."

Nina chuckled lightly. "I'm not saying she has to choose one, you silly!!! My point is she's an attractive lady. In fact," Nina added, looked at Arka from head to toe. "you're not bad either."

"Thanks." Arka said bitterly. "But really, we don't need to be normal teenagers. Gemma and I are happy with our life now."

Nina sighed. "It's what you said, Arka. Have you asked Gemma about what life she wanted?"

She wrapped all of the food then gave it to Arka. Taking the food from her, Arka, liked it or not, thought about what Nina just told him.
Gemma was a very good sister. She never complained about their life. She accepted it with a big heart.
When Arka told her about his plan to eliminate the parasites, Gemma had no doubt to support him and joined his fight.
The truth, Arka was never asked Gemma about what she wanted.
But this whole time, she's happy. So what else did she need?

Arka noticed that Gemma never talked to him about feelings.
Their conversation mostly was about works and the secret jobs. Nothing more.

"Thanks Nina." Arka said to the lady.

Nina nodded her head as respond and Arka knew she did it sincerely.
When he wanted to leave, he started at Nina seriously, made the woman frowned her forehead.

"Don't worry, Nina. Gemma is safe with me."


Seven is done!!!!!!
Before we enter the main problem, I really want you all to see the twins life. 😝

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