Forty Five

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Hey all! Grab your popcorn and ice cream now!!!

.....and give them to me. ❤❤❤ 😝😝😝

Happy reading ~~~


Aiyaz's P.O.V

I stared at jealousy when I saw Lucas Orvala rode his horse happily around Tara.
He gripped the lace tightly and one time he lost his balance and almost falling from the horse. Luckily, his bodyguards, ten of them, always there to protect him. They surrounded him, gave no gap for intruders.

I wonder how it felt to be like that. To be the golden boy of a King and all he wanted become reality.


It should've been me.

Lucas and his beloved mother didn't know that the man they've been adored these whole time had a rotten past.
They didn't know that King Aidan, Lucas's father had another son. And it was me. With a random woman he met one night.

I was a year older than Lucas and as the oldest son, the throne should be mine.
But how could I get it if King Aidan himself never admitted me as his son.
When my mother told him about me, brought me to the palace a few days after I was born, Aidan refused to confess about me and banished us from the castle. Finally my mom heavily had to leave Tara without any results. That bastard even didn't give my mother money to rise me.

When I was a kid, I used to ask mom about who my father was. But she never wanted to tell me before. She finally told me in her last breath. Everything.

Yes, I lost my mom when I just eleven years old.

I didn't know how but finally I reached Tara. I needed to tell him who I was.
Arrived in Tara, I looked so pathetic. Skinny and my cheekbones popped out, showed how lack of food I had.

I survived. That's what the important thing.

I grew up in Tara, watching how my father and his beloved son moved around me.
When I saw Aidan for the first time, I quickly took a look of my appearance in the mirror.
I didn't look like dad. I didn't have his brown hair and I didn't have his golden eyes. All of them were taken by Lucas. But was it a reason to not admit me as a son?

The more I looked at them, more hatred I felt toward Lucas. I was envy with everything he got.
In one point, I even didn't care about the throne anymore. I just wanted Aidan to admit my existence. If he did, then Lucas could get all the power and chance to be a king. I wouldn't care.

But it didn't happen.
Even though Aidan looked at him, he didn't recognize me. He just stared at me like an ordinary kid.
But, maybe part of it was my fault. I had no bravery to tell him about me.
I maybe hated him. But inside my heart there was a fear that he would banish me again and I wouldn't be able to look at my father again. And if he did, I was sure I couldn't come back to Tara anymore.

For years, I had to satisfied with seeing them for far.
I couldn't do nothing than hoping something impossible but then...

...something happened.

Something I never expected.

I met Lucas face to face.

That day, I was captured by the owner of a fruit stall for stealing. My bad, I admitted. But I couldn't hold myself. The apple seemed so tempting and I hadn't eaten anything today.
The man smacked me with a hard stick. He grabbed my forearm to hold me on my spot and I kneeled on the ground, clenched my teeth every time the stick touched my back. He was about to give me the tenth one when someone stopped him.

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