Forty Four

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Yup~~~ it's the next chapter.

Happy reading guys!!!


Aiyaz threw Cena hard and the white haired girl landed with her back on the ice hard.
Arka gulped hard seeing it. So did Johan. But Lena, she's furious. But it was their king and they had a vow to keep loyal to him. Their were his and he could do anything he wanted toward them.

Just like a puppeteer.

Arka held Lena by her wrist. The girl almost ran toward her sister but they knew it would only made Aiyaz angrier.

"You failed to stop them? I thought you never failed Cena!!!" Aiyaz's voice thundered among the throne hall. "You brought ten men with you. You said it would be enough to take Kegan down. They are from the best group and you disappointed me again."

Cena tried so hard to sit. Her neck was red and Aiyaz's palm was clearly crafted there. He gripped her hard before he threw her away.
She held the pain along her body and finally kneeled in one knee.
"Forgive me, My Lord. We all have fought so hard. It's my mistake to underestimate them. They're stronger than it looks."

Aiyaz groaned as he left his throne and walked toward Cena. But before he could reach her, Lena had stood in front of him.
"My Lord, please! Forgive my sister. I promise this is the last disappointment she gave you." Lena said. Her voice trembled a bit as she begged mercy for her sister.

Unfortunately, the king had no place in his heart for mercy. Lena felt a hard slap across her left cheek and dropped on the floor as well.

"Lena!" Cena gasped and she crawled quickly toward the black hair.

"Don't interrupt my business, Lena! That's a lesson for you. Your sister just let my biggest prize in this world gone and I'm sure Kegan will come back with a huge force." Aiyaz said between his gritted teeth.
"Ten years. Ten years I've been waiting for this moment and I could taste the sweet of revenge in my tongue. But you ruined everything!!"

Aiyaz's eyes were filled with anger and suddenly he threw out his sword.
The tip of it touched Lena's soft skin and she stared at the sword in worried.

"My king, please, do--"

"Shut up, Cena! You better prepare yourself because you're next!" Aiyaz snapped at her.

Lena gripped one of Cena's hand with hers and closed her eyes. She made herself ready for the pain.
But a frustated groan passed Lena's lips, made Lena realized it wasn't her time yet. As she opened her eyes, she saw Arka stood there, protecting her and her sister.

"My King, please, you act under your rage. You'll regret this later. If Prince Kegan really prepares his force than you need every single of us." Arka said when he saw Aiyaz was going to explode.

Aiyaz narrowed his eyes as he thought about it. Slowly, he lowered his sword and stared sharply at the black and white twins. "Fine." He said heavily. "I'll spare your life this time. But this is the last one. Do you hear me? Especially you, Cena. I don't want to hear any failure."

Cena and Lena nodded identically.

Behind Aiyaz, Johan looked disappointed there were no rain blood. He almost hoped for it.

Aiyaz pit his sword back inside the scabbard.
"I'm a hundred percent sure Kegan will back with his army. He will not let the past to be forgotten that easy. I want you to get my troops ready Arka." He said. "You too, Johan. Don't put that face! You're going to have a bloodbath later."

Arka frowned a bit as he thought what past happened between Kegan and Aiyaz. If Kegan was that brave to challenge Aiyaz in a war then the King must be had done something terrible on the past.

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