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Delivering the breads for the most important person in this kingdom became Gemma's activity.
The kitchen staff from the castle itself had said that they needed Geer's Bakery to send them their breads thrice a week.
Now they were not order croissants and muffins only. They now ordered many kinds of it. So it was Geer's job to make the variety of it.

Since her last conversation with the Queen, Gemma never met the royal highness again.
She might be busy since she had a kingdom to protect and another kingdoms to handle.

Gemma didn't mind thought. Beside, she just a people from the suburban. The Queen wouldn't want to talk with her again.
She never mentioned about it to Arka. She didn't mean to hide it but Gemma thought there was nothing important to tell about.

When Gemma arrived at the castle, the guards already knew her and let her pass. No matter how many times Gemma passed the garden, she couldn't stop staring at the flowers and the plants around before she got in. She heard there was a fountain here, but she had no idea where was it.
After taking sight a bit, Gemma quickly walked to the kitchen.

"Good morning, Alfred." Gemma greeted politely as she placed two baskets of breads in one of the counter.

Alfred looked up from the flour he was working on and smiled. "Ah, good morning, Lady Maynhard. You're earlier today."

"Yeah, I have to go back to the bakery soon. We have another errand to do." Gemma said. "And please, stop call me 'Lady'. I'm not a lady."

Alfred chuckled as he wiped his hands with the napkin.
"Actually, every woman is a lady. My father taught me that. He always treated the lady politely."

Gemma raised an eyebrow hearing that. It crossed her mind that Alfred's father liked to mess with women.

"Oh, no. Don't worry, Lady Maynhard. The word 'polite' I used before is the real meaning of 'polite'." Alfred said.

Gemma blinked her eyes. She wondered if Alfred could read her expression well.

Alfred chuckled again seeing Gemma looked confused and walked toward the basket.
He checked the order and nodded in satisfaction when he found everything there.
After asked one of the staff to bring some breads for the Queen, Alfred walked closer to Gemma.

"Come, Lady Maynhard. Since you came early today, I think a little walk around the garden wouldn't be hurt." Alfred said.

"No." Gemma said, quickly followed him. "But please, stop with the 'Lady' stuff. I'm not comfortable with it."

Alfred nodded. "If that's what you want."

He took Gemma to a small garden behind the kitchen. It wasn't as fancy as the place Queen Aira showed her before but in here, Gemma could see many kinds of plants that the kitchen staff used for cooking.
"I wonder, Gemma." Alfred said and Gemma relieved he used her name. "What did the Queen show you at her garden? Well, if you don't mind to tell me."

"Naah, I don't mind. It's not a secret thing or something." Gemma said. "Queen Aira showed me an orchid called..um..Black Knight." She added, almost forgetting the flower's name.

Alfred suddenly smirked. "Ah, I see. The rare one, yes?"

Gemma nodded.

"Well, you're lucky to see it. You can't find it anywhere."

Gemma rolled her eyes. Of course she can't. That's why they said the flower was rare, right?
If anyone could find it along the street, she wasn't sure the Queen wanted to put it on her garden.

"It's not everyday the Queen showed her collection to a...um..someon else." Alfred said.

Gemma knew he's going to say 'a stranger' but he changed it in the right time.
"Yeah, it's surprised me as well. That was the first time the Queen saw me and she trusted me enough to walk with her."

The Maynhard TwinsWhere stories live. Discover now