Fifty Three

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"No, Gemma! Harder! Higher! It will make a greater damage for your opponent."

Sixteen years old Gemma whined as she stomped her feet hard.
"My hands are hurt. I want to stop." she said.

Arka sighed a bit as he saw his little sister pouted her lips.
He glanced on her hands and no wonder she's hurt. Her knuckles were so red at the moment. It would turn to blue or purple soon and she wouldn't be able to punch anything else for a while.

"Gemma. You said yourself you want to grow stronger. You said you no longer want anyone to hurt like what we felt." Arka said patiently.

"I know!!!" Gemma scoffed. "But why I have to learn about punching and kicking. It's hard. I can use knife or dagger to protect myself."

Arka chuckled a bit. "Yeah, you can. But not everytime in our fight we will find knife or dagger, Sis. Sometimes we are forced to fight with nothing in our hands except our fists."

"This," Arka continued, showing both of his fists. "since the ancient times, are the most reliable weapon."

Gemma snorted when Arka punched her playfully.

"Oh, and legs too. There's someone who can break someone's neck just by using a single swing from his leg." Arka added.

Gemma pouted harder. "You're lying. It's impossible."

"It's possible. Ask Yatha if you want."

"What's the connection between Yatha and our practice?"

Arka coughed hard. "Uh...nothing. Let's do it again." He said quickly.

Gemma narrowed her eyes suspiciously but she was too angry already to discuss about it.
Arka held up both of his palms and Gemma took her position.
With her right fist, she punched Arka's left hand and the boy flinched a bit.

"Too much emotions. Calm down, Gemma."

"Shut up!" She snapped.

After a moment of practicing, Gemma finally got the rhythm. Her hands were hurt so much but the achievement she got made her excited to keep doing it.

"Question, Arka?"

"Sure. What is it?"

"If something bad happens and there's a bad guy want to hurt us, we will fight him together, right?" Gemma asked.

"What kind of bad guy?" Arka asked, couldn't hold himself from smirking.

Gemma shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know. Just bad guy. Someone who wants to separate us apart."

Arka twitched the curve of his lips. "Damn! No one can separate me with my sister. Yeah, of course we will fight him together."

Gemma smiled widely hearing him. "Promise?"

"Promise. Beside, what can happen?"


Arka felt like two or three of his ribs probably had broken right now.
He's not sure but considering from how hard he just being slammed to the ground, broken bones was a huge possibility.
Add his wounds, bruises and the stinging pains he felt all over his body.

Gemma experienced no better. Attracted Aiyaz's attention from her brother, Gemma was caught on her throat.
Aiyaz closed her path to breath as hard as he could.
Gemma set a kick on his leg as her last effort to break free and Aiyaz threw her hard.

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