My name is Jade, Jade Thirlwall. I'm a 16 year old normal girl. I don't have that many friends, only people who I talk to at school like Leigh Anne. Summer vacation just finished and i'm going back to school today. I'm in tenth grade and I hope this year will be better than last year, I hope I make friends.
"Jade, wake up." My mom said as she came in my room.
"Pff, I don't want to."
"You need to, this is the first day of school."
"Alright, i'm getting up."
I got ready and went to school, my class was the same as last year. I'm happy i'm in the same class as Leigh Anne or else I would have no one. Jesy is also in my class i've known her since middle school but we're not that close, I do talk to her sometimes but that's it. Perrie is also in my class, last year I talked to her but not that much only about tv shows that both of us liked, but she is nice maybe we'll be friends.
"How is my little Jeed doing?" Leigh Anne asked as she hugged me.
"Well, not so good cause i'm back in school and this is gonna be another year of hell."
"Nah, c'mon together we'll make this a great year."
"I hope so."
"Where were you all summer?"
"I was a month away with my family and the other month I was just home, doing nothing."
"Didn't you go out or something? Or why didn't you call me?"
"I have no one to go out with remember and I didn't wanna bother you."
"You can always call me you know that. And make some new friends this year, you do know Jesy why don't you talk to her?"
"I don't know she's a bit weird."
"How about Perrie?"
"I don't know her."
"Then get to know her!" She yelled as I nodded.
"I'll try talking to her." I answered.
"Whoop there she is."
"Hii how was your vacation?" Perrie asked both of us.
"It was good but too short ofcourse." Leigh answered as we all nodded in agreement.
"Jade yours?"
"It was okay." I said smiling.
"I'm glad we're in the same class again."
"Yeah me too." I said and she smiled.
"Ooh there is Lauren." She said as she went to hug her. Lauren is a good friend of Perrie and they are always sitting next to each other they're like Leigh Anne amd I.
The day passed by and school finished so I was waiting for the bus to go home and I saw Perrie was also waiting for the bus.
"You also take the bus?" She asked.
"Yeah, I do, well I can take any bus here."
"I can only take one."
"I always take one with Leigh but if you want i'll take the one with you."
"If you want to, at least I won't be alone. All my friends live on the other side of the city."
"Mine live close to me, but i'll take the same bus it's coming anyway."
The bus came and we both entered.
"So what do you think of our class?" She asked.
"Okay, I guess, we are only with 7 girls though. That's less than last year."
"Is Jesy new? I never saw her before." She asked.
"No, she's not new. I was actually with her in middle school and we were also in the same class in 7th grade."
"Ow, so are you friends with her?"
"I do talk to her, but really friends I wouldn't say."
"You are close with Leigh though."
"Yeah, I am. I've known her for a long time and she is like a sister to me. Just like you and Lauren."
"Oh yeah Lauren and I are pretty close. I know her since we were little kids."
"Ow I have to go, I live here."
"Oh you don't live that far from school my house is another 20 minutes with the bus."
"You live pretty far then. But anyways I have to go." I said as I walked out of the bus.
For the first time I thought maybe I can be friends with her, I don't know why or how because I don't even know her that well even though we were in the same class last year but I feel like we could be good friends. So maybe this year will be different.
New story! This is my second fanfic so i'm not that good yet. Sorry if there are any mistakes, English isn't my first language. Make sure you also read my other Jerrie story it's called Take What You Want and it is completed. I hope you'll like this story and don't forget to vote and leave a comment! Btw this entire story will be in Jade's pov.

I Loved You First // Jerrie Fanfic
Fanfiction* COMPLETED* "I thought you loved me, I guess I was wrong." "I did love you once, I guess I don't anymore." Started: 8th of September 2017 Finished: 22nd of April 2018