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3 months later

Three months have passed and I'm feeling happy. Perrie hasn't left my side ever since she came back. She's trying very hard to gain my trust again and I'm gonna lie if I say that I don't enjoy her being around me all the time. She's doing her best to get me back and I appreciate it. I didn't think she would be still doing this after three months. She normally gives up very fast, so I'm in shock that she's still here.

I still love her, a lot. I never stopped loving her and I'm trying to not give my all to her. I'm proud of myself that I didn't take her back yet. I waited years for her so she should wait for me too. But she is making it hard for me and I'm falling for her harder every day.

I just woke up. I don't have any classes today and I'm just planning to stay in. I looked at my phone and I saw that Perrie called. She doesn't normally call me very often, she usually texts me. I called her back and she answered.

"Jade?" She answered.

"You called me?"

"Yeah, I did. I wanted to ask you something."


"Are you free today? I want to take you out tonight."

"Ahh, I don't know. I just wanna stay in." I'm so tired from all the college work and this is my only free day, so I just wanna stay in.

"Please Jadeeeyyyy, please?" Ugh, why does she call me Jadey? She knows that I'm weak for that nickname.

"Okay, fine."

"Yess, I'll pick you up at 7."

"Alright, where are we going?"

"Just dress casually, it's a surprise."

"Perrie, you know I don't like surprises."

"Oh, shut up, Jadey, you're gonna like this. Just be ready at 7."

"Okay, fine. I'm hanging up now, byeee.'

"Bye." She laughed and I hung up.

What is this girl planning? I'm kind of happy that she's taking me out, cause I always have the greatest time with her but I'm also nervous, every time we go out, I need to hold myself back from getting too close to her.

I got ready and wore something casual, like how Perrie asked me to. It's now 7 and my doorbell rang. Damn, she's right on time, that doesn't happen often.

"Hey." I opened the door.

"Oh wow, Jade you look amazing." I blushed.

"Thanks, you too."

"Shall we get going?" She asked and I nodded.

We got into her car and she started to drive. There's an awkward silence in the car. She looks nervous?

"Where are we going?" I'm curious.

"Shht, no questions, you'll see."

"Ugh, I hate when you're like this."

"No, you love it." She smirked.

"How do you know?" I raised my eyebrows.

"I just know. Ahh, we're here." She got out of the car and I followed her. We went into a small restaurant and it looked fancy and expensive. And also... romantic? I only saw couples holding hands and being all flirty. We sat down and ordered our food, damn the food was so good thing. We had a nice time talking and laughing. I'm glad that even after 2 years, nothing really changed between us, we still have this connection between us. After we ate we went out and got back in the car.

"So, you probably want to know the reason why I asked you out?" I nodded.

"I want to ask you something." She said.

"Go ahead."

"I'm really nervous, oh. I just wanna say, Jade thank you so much for everything. I don't even deserve you in my life but here you are, sitting next to me in my car, laughing and smiling with me. Jade, I love you." W-what?

"R-really?" I stuttured.

"Yes, I really do. I never stopped loving you, I was just too stupid to realize. Fuck, I love you so much, I can't even explain. You're so perfect and way too good for me, but I promise, I'm not gonna give up on you. I want you, Jade. And I know you want me too. Please give us a chance? Please be my girlfriend again? I want to be with you 24/7, I want everyone to know that you're mine and I want to hold your public. So be my girlfriend?" I'm in shock, this isn't the Perrie that I knew back in high school. Perrie back then wouldn't have done this, because she's too embarrassed to be with a girl. I didn't know what to say, so I stood silent for a minute.

"Is this a no? Is th-" I cut her off by pulling her into a kiss. Our lips moved perfectly against each other, they're perfectly made for each other.

"It's a yes, baby." I smiled pulling away from the kiss?

"Really?" She smiled widely and I nodded.

"Fuck? I love you Jade." She hugged me.

"I love you too, Perrie."

"I'm never letting you go again." She said and she pulled me back into a kiss. This time the kiss was more passionate, it felt right, it was perfect.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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