Today is the last day of school before our 2 week break. I am going to Miami in a couple of days for a week and I am really excited. I went to school and decided to tell Leigh about Liam.
"There is this guy I met on the internet who lives close to me, I haven't met him in real life though. But we talked and he seems nice and he is cute."
"Jade, you don't know him."
"What's wrong with making friends on the internet?"
"Nothing, I know my boyfriend from internet. Just be careful."
"He also knows a couple of people I do, so I know he's not a 30 year old man and we have a lot in common."
"Ooeee, Jade is getting a boyfriend." She said smiling.
"Shut up, I just met him."
"What are you guys talking about?" Jesy interrupted.
"Jade's little boyfriend."
"Shut up, Leigh. Don't listen to her, she's lying."
"I'm..." Leigh started her sentence but someone called her so she walked away.
"You have a boyfriend???" Jesy asked.
"Noo, I don't. It's just I met a guy on this dating app, I don't even know him and I'm just trying to make friends." I answered.
"What about Perrie?"
"It was just a crush nothing more, i'm over it."
"You sure?"
"Yeah, I like Perrie as a friend nothing more."
"I heard my name." Perrie yelled from behind us as she came to us.
"What were you saying about me?"
"Uhm nothing." I answered.
"Jade, I heard my name."
"She was just asking if you are also going to the party tonight and I said yes." Jesy explained saving me.
"Yeah, that's what I asked."
"You should come too." Perrie said to me.
"Perrie, you know I don't party. I HATE IT."
"You never have partied before, so how can you hate it?" She asked.
"I just hate crowded places and drunk people okay and my parents wouldn't let me go anyway."
"You did promise me to come once."
"Yeah but I didn't say when, it could also be in 10 years." I said and Jesy smiled.
"Ugh, I hate you." Perrie said and I smiled.
"I need to go, Perrie i'll see you tonight." Jesy said.
"Wait, you 2 never talk at school but at parties you're like besties?" I asked.
"Yeah, when we're drunk we get close with everyone." Jesy said.
"Ugh, y'all are so sinful." I said shaking my head.
"Yeah, like you've never drank anything."
"I don't drink." I said and they looked surpised.
"You don't?" Jesy asked.
"No, I hate it. It's gross."
"Well, I really need to go now. See y'all later." Jesy said and me and Perrie walked out of school waiting for the bus.

I Loved You First // Jerrie Fanfic
Fanfiction* COMPLETED* "I thought you loved me, I guess I was wrong." "I did love you once, I guess I don't anymore." Started: 8th of September 2017 Finished: 22nd of April 2018