It's been a couple of days now that i'm lying to Perrie. I still haven't told her the truth. She basically keeps begging me for a picture with the girl but I don't even have one, because she doesn't exist. One lie became 1000 lies and I think she kinda knows that i'm not honest with her, so I need to tell her.
"Did you tell Perrie the truth yet??" Jesy asked and I shook my head.
"God, Jade. You need to tell her the truth, she already is assuming things. You're taking this too far."
"Yeah, I know. I'm going to tell her today."
"You better do." She said as she walked away.
"What were you talking about with Jesy?" Leigh asked.
"Are you 2 like a thing?"
"Well, you 2 talk a lot and you're bi she's bi, perfect match."
"Ugh, no, that's disgusting, Leigh."
"Then what were you talking about?"
"I just told this lie to Perrie and I can't get out of it."
"What lie?"
"I told her I met some girl in Miami and that we liked each other and kissed and shit. But it's not true, it's supossed to be a prank."
"Damn Jade, you're so weird.
"I have to tell her that it's a prank, don't I?" I asked and she nodded.
After school I waited at the bus stop for Perrie as usual. She didn't come after 15 minutes, normally she would be here after 10 minutes. So I was about to take a bus when I saw her coming so I didn't take it.
"Why didn't you take the bus?" She asked."Because I need to tell you something."
"Uhm, what I told you about that girl in Miami is not true. It was a prank."
"Wauw, why would you even do a prank like this? It's not even funny, Jade?"
"I know, please don't be mad."
"I'm not, you even made fake conversations to make me believe this? And I asked you if this was a prank and you said no..."
"I lied."
"So you're a liar?"
"I'm not."
"I'm sorry but you know that after this I probably won't believe anything you say."
"Yeah, I know. I'm really sorry."
"Like why didn't you tell me immediately? You just carried on lying to me."
"Please don't be mad."
"I'm not, i'm just dissapointed. You were the one person that I was sure was never going to lie to me. I guess I was wrong."
"It was supposed to be a prank."
"It wasn't funny."
"I know."
"The bus is coming." She said and we both entered the bus. She didn't day that much on the ride and I also didn't have the guts to say anything.
"This is my stop, Bye Perrie."
"Bye." She said with a weak smile.
Now Perrie doesn't trust me at all, she thinks i'm a liar. Well, actually I am. Look what kind of lie I said just because I wanted to make her jealous. How stupid am I? She loves boys, why would she even be jealous of me being with another girl? I really hope she isn't mad.
After I came home I ate like always and then I decided to text Perrie to see if we're cool.
*text messages between Jade and Perrie*
Jade: Perrie, are you mad?
Perrie: Nah, i'm not.
Jade: Really?
Perrie: Yeah really.
Jade: Thank you.
Perrie: Wait you told me your first kiss was with her, but she doesn't exist. So you never had your first kiss?
Jade: Nope.
Perrie: Aww, that's cute.
Jade: Oh shut up, when was yours?
Perrie: Mine was with Alex remember that day we went to the pool.
Jade: I can't believe you had your first kiss with a fuckboy damn.
Perrie: Yeah, same. But it's all in the past.
Jade: Yeah, like you don't talk to him anymore. Do you?
Perrie: Sometimes he still messages me and I respond.
Jade: Perrieee, you deserve so much better than him.
Jade: And he has a girlfriend remember.
Perrie: Yeah he told me he has another one now.
Jade: Like I said fuckboy.
Perrie: Shut up, go to your imaginary girlfriend in Miami.
Jade: Well, you got me there :)
Perrie: I'm going to sleep, goodnight Jadey.
Jade: Since when do you call me Jadey?
Perrie: Since right now ;)
I put my phone on the table next to my bed and was about to sleep when my brother walked in. Because his room is too small his clothes are in my room.
"It's 9:59 so technically i'm on time."
"I hate you so much, i'm changing the time to 9."
"No, you said 10 and it stays 10."
"Fuck you."
"I saw you today with Perrie again."
"What a surprise." I said sarcasticlly.
"At least you have a friend besides Leigh Anne now."
"Shut up, you know I also have other friends at school."
"Yeah at school, what about outside school?"
"Shut up you only have like 2 good friends."
"Still more than you have." He said smiling.
"Get out." I said as I pushed him and he walked out of the room. I love my brother but sometimes he can be soooo annoying. And the fact that he always tells my parents when I do something wrong makes me want to kill him. I realized I haven't texted Liam for 2 days so I texted him again because I saw he was online. I talked to him until I fell asleep and I actually really want to meet him.
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I Loved You First // Jerrie Fanfic
Fanfiction* COMPLETED* "I thought you loved me, I guess I was wrong." "I did love you once, I guess I don't anymore." Started: 8th of September 2017 Finished: 22nd of April 2018