Chapter 6

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Today the last 3 hours of the day we are going to a museum with my class which isn't that far from school. We went to the museum and it was pretty boring on our way back we passed a street, it isn't just a normal street. It's the street where all the prostitues are.

"Do whores really live here?" Jesy asked.

"Yeah, they do." A guy answered.

"Perrie, you belong here." I said smiling.

"Ooooowwww." Leigh said with a shocking look.

"Did you just call me a whore?" Perrie asked.

"No, I didn't mean it like that. Are you really mad right now?"

"Yeah, I am." She said as she walked away and I ran behind her.

"C'mon Perrie, it was a joke, I didn't mean it that way." I said but she kept ignoring me.

"Are you really going to ignore me??" I asked but she didn't give me an answer.

"Look, I know it was stupid to say it, but I really only meant it as a joke..."

"You're not gonna say anything? Okay fine just ignore me." I said as I walked to Leigh.

"Damn, she's mad af." Leigh said.

"It was a joke."

"Not everyone thinks your jokes are funny, Jade."

We kept walking and Perrie and I ignored each other the whole time. When we arrived at the school I was about to go away when Perrie came to me.

"JADE WAIT, sorry I was ignoring you."

"So you decide to ignore me but when I ignore you, you come back saying you're sorry?" I asked laughing.

"Yeah, I think I just did."

"Look, Perrie, i'm really sorry, I really didn't mean it that way. I could've said that to anyone. You just happened to stand next to me so that's why I said your name, it was really only a joke."

"Yeah, I know, I just thought that you also think like everybody else that i'm a whore because of what happened with Alex."

"You know, I don't think you're a whore. You haven't even hooked up with him and you're still a virgin so how could you be a whore?"

"Yeah, you're right. Well, thanks. It just hurt me because I thought you were like everybody else."

"No, it really only was a joke."

"I believe you."

"Wait, where is everyone?" She asked.

"Most of them went home, but you me and Jesy have another class remember, because we didn't do that test well so now we have to go to lessons after school."

"Oh yeah, let's go."

"What? No, we are already late. Let's just skip it, we never asked for extra lessons anyway."

"No, Jade they'll notice we have to go and Jesy already went."

"So? That teacher doesn't even know us? C'mon she really won't notice, let's just go home."

"Jade, no. We're going to that lesson."

"God, Perrie. You're such a good girl, sometimes you have to be bad, you have never skipped a class before, have you?"

"I haven't, but that's not the point."

"That's just so annoying about you, you're such a good girl. And you know what is even more annoying? You always saying that you failed a test but then you end up having the best!"

"You know what's annoying too? You callling me a whore."

"That was a fucking joke!" I yelled.

"Whatever, you can go home, i'm going to that lesson."

"Perrie, there's only like 10 minutes left and what are you gonna say, you are 40 minutes late??"

"I'm just gonna say that we went to that museum and came back late. So goodbye i'm going."

"Ugh, I hate you so much. Wait i'm coming too. If you go and I don't then they will notice for sure." I said as she smiled. We knocked on the door and the teacher opened.

"We went to that museum and came back late." Perrie said.

"Oh yeah, i've heard about it. I did expect you to come later, but the lesson is almost finished. Just take these papers and look at them at home so you know what this is about and why you have to come to this lesson." She said handing us the papers we took them and sat down.

"Where were you guys??" Jesy whisper yelled.

"We got into a fight." I said raising my eyebrows at Perrie."

"Well, you called me a fucking whore." She said.

"And you're a fucking good girl that couldn't skip class."

"I'm not letting you get me into trouble."

"Oh, Perrie. Believe me if you keep hanging out with me you'll be a bad girl."

"I don't think so, you can't change me."

"We'll see Edwards, we'll see."

"Jade, don't act like you're a real bad girl, the only thing you do is scare the shit out of people." Jesy said and Perrie nodded.

"Do I scare the shit out of you 2?" I asked and they both nodded.

"Why is everyone so scared of me??" I asked with a confused look.

"Because you know people's weak spots and you use them against them." Jesy answered.

"Yeah, that's true." I said nodding.

After that I went home and just did my homework when I recieved a text message from Perrie.

*text messages between Jade and Perrie*

Perrie: Was today our first fight?

Jade: Yeah it was. You were the "mad" one but also the one to say sorry. Isn't it weird?

Perrie: I know, just the thought of not talking to you didn't feel right so I had to fix it.

Jade: You only ignored me for like 20 minutes?

Perrie: 20 minutes too long.

Jade: Well, you can't get rid of me even if you tried.

Perrie: true, but anyways I need to go to sleep.

Perrie: I'll see you tomorrow.

Jade: Perrie it's only 9:30?

Perrie: My mom told me to go to sleep.

Jade: Are you tired?

Perrie: No

Jade: Then why are you going to sleep?

Perrie: If my mom sees me on my phone she'll take it from me.

Jade: Can't you do it sneaky under your sheets?

Perrie: uhm, no

Jade: You're such a good girl, damn.

Perrie: Oh shut up, goodnight

Jade: Goodnight :)

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