Me and Perrie have been talking for 2 months now but guess what, my feelings are back. I thought I was over her but I guess the feelings never left. It does suck, I don't want her back but I also don't want to see her with anyone else. She hurt me way too much for me to like her. But I decided to tell her that I still have feelings anyway.
"Perrie, can we talk?" I asked her after school while we were waiting for the bus.
"Uhm whats up?"
"I hate to say this, and I don't even know how to say this but I think I still have feelings for you."
"What? Really?" She asked.
"Yeah, but this doesn't mean I want you back or something it just pretty much sucks cause I can't see you as a friend."
"Jade... i'm so sorry but now i'm just sure that I don't like girls."
"W-what? So you dated me twice without even liking me?" I said with a sad look on my face and she looked away.
"Wauw, so you never liked me. You just used me as an experiment?"
"No, Jade, it's really not like that."
"Then what is it like? You always just play with my feelings why are..."
"I'M FUCKING ATTRACTED TO BOYS OKAY." She interrupted me and started to cry.
"I"m fucking attracted to boys, I really tried to get attracted to you but I couldn't. That's just not who I am, I wasn't happy with myself when I was with you." She explained as I started crying too.
"The connection that we have is really what i'm looking for, Jade, but just not with a girl."
"Yeah, okay, I understand. I can't change who you are. I'm just gonna deal with it." I said as I walked away.
"Where are you going?" She yelled after me but I ignored and just walked away.
It was hard to hear but deep down I always knew. We didn't talk for a few weeks and I didn't see her for 2 weeks because of winter break. But after that we started talking again and became friends despite my feelings.
But that will change when she gets a boyfriend and stopts talking to me. Her boyfriend is Luke, a guy from our class. I have to see them every second of the day together and it sucks, it really breaks my heart seeing the two of them together. Also I really don't like Luke in fact I never liked him he's the weirdest guy i've ever met. And everyone at school is basically talking about them because they just look weird as a couple, no one really ships them.

I Loved You First // Jerrie Fanfic
Fanfiction* COMPLETED* "I thought you loved me, I guess I was wrong." "I did love you once, I guess I don't anymore." Started: 8th of September 2017 Finished: 22nd of April 2018