We were on a school break for 2 weeks, it was christmas and then new year. I haven't talked to Perrie in 2 weeks. I did text her once but she didn't answer. She did send me a happy new year text but that was it. Now that we're back at school things are different, we do still talk but we're not that close anymore. There is a distance between us, I know I wanted the distance but this doesn't feel right. The only fun of school is that I see Perrie everyday but now that we're not so close anymore, nothing is fun. I know why i'm distancing myself from her but why does she distance herself? Probably because I don't mean that much to her as she does to me. Today is Perrie's birthday and the first thing I said to her when I saw her was happy birthday ofcourse.
"Jade, i'm inviting you to come to my birtjday party the 13th."
"Oh shit."
"I can't come."
"Sorry, it's my dad's birthday and the entire family is coming to dinner."
"Can't you just fix something?" She asked with a sad look.
"Perrie, First of all I don't like parties, second of all I don't think my parents would let me go out so late and it's my dad's birthday so I really can't."
"I understand, that means it's gonna be less fun because you won't be there."
"Nah, it'll be fun, you won't even notice my absence."
"But promise me you'll come to a party with me once."
"You really think my dad would let me??"
"There has to be a way."
"I don't like parties, Perrie, really I hate so many people at one place."
"Alright." I sighed.
"Happy birthday, again."
"Thanks honey."
That day I went home and as she is a friend I decided to text to her and ask how her birthday is going.
*text messages between Jade and Perrie*
Jade: How is the birthday girl?
Perrie: Goodd, my parents got me a lot of presents.
Jade: Aww, that's cute.
Jade: I just wanted to say happy birthday again, i'm glad I started talking to you this year because I gained a really good friend. You're an amazing person and I'm not good at making friends but with you there is this connection and i'm so happy I know you because you make my life a little better, just a little ;) anyways for the past month we haven't been talking that much though. I feel like we're drifting apart and I don't like it, because it's much more fun when we talk. Again Happy Birthday, you good girl❤
Perrie: Awww, I got a lot of birthday texts today but yours made me the happiest.
Perrie: And yeah I know, we should start acting like before. I like it when we are close :)
Jade: You better don't ignore me, monday. :')
Perrie: Ofcourse I won't.
Jade: Could you maybe come outside?
Perrie: What, now?
Perrie: Jade, it's late. My mom won't let me.
Jade: It's 5 pm,Perrie. And just tell her you need to see someone for schoolwork.
Perrie: Okay, i'll ask. Be right back.
Perrie: She said okay, where do we meet?
Jade: Come to that park where we were once.
Perrie: Alright, i'll be there in 10
"Hii." Perrie said as she gave me a high five and I gave her a high five back.
"Look at our birthday girlll." I said and she smiled.
"Why did you want to meet?"
"I was bored."
"What? I thought it was something important." She said as she gave me a little push on the shoulder.
"It is important, i'm bored and maybe I wanted to see you, is that wrong?"
"No, but I was scared I thought something was wrong you idiot?"
"Did you just call me an idiot?"
"Yeah, what you gonna do about it?"
"Okay, wait. If anyone else would say that you would hit them, why don't you hit me?"
"I can't."
"What why? I'm the same as everyone else."
"I don't know I just can't."
"C'mon hit me, Jade."
"Perrie, don't challenge me. It won't work."
"You actually scare people, everyone at school is scared of you."
"It's because I hurt with words not fists."
"How do you know that?"
"I know everyone's weak spot and that's where I get them, that's why everyone is scared of me."
"You do always say what you think."
"Exactly, i'm honest and speak my mind."
"Like when you said I was selfish."
"You kinda are though."
"Maybe a little." She answered as she smiled.
"Let's sit, i'm tired." I said as we sat down.
"I'm so scared for that test that we did today, I think I failed." She explained.
"Perrie, please, you are scared for everything and then end up having the best grades."
"Nooo, really this time I fucked up."
"Well, just check the school website and login with your name and see what grade you have, I looked at it before I came here and I have a B, i'm very proud."
"WHAT, THAT'S SO GOOD, I probably have likea D or something."
"I swear to God Perrie, i'm going to kill you."
"Okay, i'm gonna look right now. Oh God."
"What? What grade?"
"I have an A."
"This can't be possible, I really did bad.""You make me so angry."
"Does that mean, you're gonna hit me?"
"Nah, I don't hit."
"How long is it gonna take me to make you so angry that you would hit me?"
"Reaaaally long, Leigh like 2 seconds, but you never."
"My mom is calling, I need to go."
"Alright, Perrie. Goodbye!" I said as she walked away.
What am I doing? I don't even know what i'm feeling towards her. I can't even distance myself from her because I like her, I don't know if I like her as a friend or more. But the important thing is she makes me happy and this is the first time i've been happy in a long time. I need her in my life.
New chapterrr. Hope you like it. Don't forget to vote and leave a comment. Also please leave some feedback so I know how i'm doing.

I Loved You First // Jerrie Fanfic
Fanfiction* COMPLETED* "I thought you loved me, I guess I was wrong." "I did love you once, I guess I don't anymore." Started: 8th of September 2017 Finished: 22nd of April 2018