Chapter One

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MEMBERS: Vin, Bushy, Sara, and Nini

Vin- Main vocal
Bushy- lead vocal
Sara- Main rapper
Nini- Main dancer, supporting rapper

AGES: Vin- 22 Bushy-22 Sara- 21 Nini-18

" big crowds, fans cheering, being on stage was our fantasy, we never knew that we will be able to achieve it, but now that it's happening, it feels like a dream that I don't want to wake up from" - Sara

Sara's pov

Tomorrow is the day that my group S.O.S debut in bighit company not only am I nervous being the first girl group in bighit but also that we are gonna debut tomorrow which is crazy! All our hard work and affects gonna pay off if we do good. With BTS members cheering on our side along with ARMY we may have a chance in fame.

"Tomorrow is the big day girls you should all go to sleep." Jin said smiling at us we nodded and saying our good nights to our seniors who have helped us through everything. I smiled as we walk to our rooms all four is us share a bedroom for now.

Our unnies bushy and Vin sleep on the bed while me and nini the youngest sleep on the floor. I got my blanket and pillow ready already changed to my pjs and just lay down. Soon the unnies are sound asleep while Nini and I stayed awake.

"We finally did it I can't believe it." Nini said. I nodded but notice she can't see me because it dark. "Yeah we did let's hope we get there along with BTS and other groups." I said she give me a small yeah and soon she also fell asleep I closed my eyes praying and hoping that our debut gonna be great.

Our debut song is out 'Babomba' been five minutes now. Hoseok Aka Jhope tweet about us and also bighit on instagram saying to check us out and to enjoy. All four of us sitting down infront of the laptop while the BTS members are standing  behind us their more nervous than us by now.

"Don't worry you girls are good! You will get views in no time." Jimin said trying to cheer us up but we were still holding hands and staring at the laptop like it's magically gonna get us views. After 15 mins there were comments and views.

'Wow those girls are goodddd!'

'😍😍😍 I'm in love.'

' kookie, hopie, jimin, and taetae finally debut as girls 😂😂'

We laughed at that comment there were more and more coming in saying we are good and that they can't wait for us to perform on stages. Some even claimed biases. We smiled wide and the boys sighed in relief smiling and congratulations us for many views. We knew we aren't there yet but this is enough for us to be happy.

"Agioo, I'm so proud of ourselves, let's have a group hug" Nini sniffed pretending to cry. We all gathered and hugged eachother tightly.

"Fighting!SOS!!" I screamed breaking the hug.

"This is just the beginning, let's make this journey a great unforgettable one" I continued lecturing. The girls nodded with tears in their eyes.

"let's go out and eat we all deserve a night out." Yoongi said we nodded agreeing with him we got up and went our separate ways to get dressed and ready to go out with the boys. I dressed up in ripped black jeans and black hoodie. I turned to see Nini dressed in a pink dress with a red coat.
I smirked "impressing hoseok are we?" She slapped my arm blushing saying that's not why she's dressing up so nicely when the rest of us are wearing shirts/hoodies and jeans. "Mmhmm." I smirked we walked out to see the boys waiting for us outside.

Nini walked up to hoseok who had his arm out for her. I smiled at that we all know that Nini has this huge crush on hoseok. It's the cutest thing ever! They walked infront of us they act like a couple instead of  friends.

We started walking bushy unnie with Jimin and jungkook and vin unnie with taetae and Jin. I walked with Yoongi and soon Namjoon tagged along which I rolled my eyes at.

"If you roll your eyes every-time you see me your eyes are just gonna fall out." Namjoon said annoyed. Me and him don't get along for some reason he started being rude so me being well me I also start being rude. Being the rapper and leaders of the group I need his help but thank God I had Yoongi for the rappimg because if he was for both I would have killed myself.

"Maybe I will just let them fall out so I won't have to look at you anymore." I spit back at him he glared at me and I glared at him. Yoongi got annoyed and grabbed both of our ears hard.

"Why don't you two be nice for tonight or else I will just cut your ears off." He said threatening I nodded my head fast scared for my life. Never mess with Min Yoongi. We just stayed quiet or just ignored each other and talk with Yoongi instead.

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