Chapter 17

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Bushy's Pov

Today is our fan meeting! All of us are very excited to meet our fans and talk with them. We have been talking about this for weeks now and it's finally happening. I looked at the car window to see fans already standing outside with posters of us and shirts,hats, and our light stick. They were singing one of our songs when the noticed we come they stopped and started screaming. Our body guards helped us out and we waved at our fans we walked in everything was ready we took a seat. Starting with me, then Sara next to her of course Nini and at the end was Vin. Fans started walking in we waved at them. Sara took the mic. "Hello everyone we are."
"SOS!" We all together said smiling and waving at our fans they started screaming again.

Fans walked to us and we began signing and talking with them. We got a lot of flowers and gifts from our fans which was very sweet.

"Hello what's your name?" I asked one of our fans. She was crying now and I hugged her telling her she doesn't need to cry and that she should smile because she's here with us she nodded told me her name and I signed it also little message saying she should always smile.

When she went she also cried hard seeing the other girls. Sara hold her hands and smiles telling to not to cry, Nini sing her a happy song so she can smile which she did and Vin told her a joke which made her laugh. She didn't look older than 12 years old which is very cute knowing we have young fans.

"GUYS Nini trying to steal my chips tel her to stop!" Sara said into the mic her and Nini holding a bag of chips. Which was both their favorite. I rolled my eyes at them they are the youngest their supposed to act like kids.

"SHARE!" The fans yelled I laughed at that nodded agreeing with them. Sara and Nini nodded and shared their chips happily.

I got a lot of jimin pics which was weird but I didn't say anything and accepted my gifts from my fans I also got a jimin hoodie. When I was gonna give it to our manger one fan yelled to wear it and all of them follow them. At this point I didn't know what to do. "Just wear it bushy." Vin said looking at me. I nodded and put on the hoodie I blushed and all the fans 'aww' saying I look cute.

The girls smiled at that and turned back to their fans signing and accepting gifts. I did the same still wearing the hoodie. Soon we were done with everything little early and we got up standing in front of our fans we decided to play a dancing game which we knew Nini gonna kill but we played anyways.

"Okay so the game is we play a random song and we have to dance to it whoever get the dance moves wrong have to buy us dinner." Vin said we all nodded getting ready, the first song was our song it was Sara's part and we all got in our places dancing while she raps then we switch to our next song which was my part and this song was a cute one so we had to do a cute one with us making heart in our hands. Our fans were singing along too. Then a bts song come out Blood, Sweat, and tears I stepped away not knowing this dance but Sara and Nini stayed dancing too it. Sara wasn't as good as Nini but she can somewhat catch up with her. Vin looked at them and clapped when it got to the ground part Vin and I stopped them the fans started shouting fangirling hard. And we continued playing till it was time to leave. Of course Nini, Sara, and Vin won and I lost I wasn't great at dancing but I'm singing was great. I don't mind buying they dinner seeing I always do.

We got back to bighit and walked in to see the boys practicing their new dance for DNA. We left them at that and walked to our rooms to get freshen up a bit. The girls walked in front of me I was walking behind them when in a hand to my shoulder stopped me. I turned to see it was the CEO he wasn't anger or anything so I wasn't worried as much. "Bushy I would like you to come with me for a second Someone is here to see you." I nodded my head and walked with him the girls looked at me worried but I give them a small smile saying not to worry.

When I got there it was my mom, I was shocked my mom never comes to see me ever since our flight about me getting married. She come to me and hugged me tight I hugged her back missing her hugs so much. CEO was kind enough to leave us alone for a few minutes but I told my mom let's walk out because I knew he had a lot of work to do in his office.

We were not walking around bighit our conversation started off good but then it went down from there when she brought up marriage.

"Mom I told you I want to pick the one I want to marry not you not dad not oppa not grandma! Me! Why can't you understand that?" I said annoyed by now.  I know I'm getting old but that doesn't mean go throw my life out in marriage and that's it I have a life ahead of me and seems like my family doesn't understand that.

She sighed placing her hand on my shoulder. "I know honey I know..wait who's this jimin person on you hoodie?" She said looking at the hoodie I'm wearing I looked down and forget I was wearing this I blushed, I didn't know what to tell her.

And just my luck jimin was walking through me waving among bright I couldn't smile but smile back. "Hey bushy I was wondering if you want to go eat dinner after I'm done with my shower." I nodded fast at that forgetting my mother till she cleaned her throat. Jimin turned to face her he bowed and said hello very respectful.

She smiled wide oh God... "Bushy! Why didn't you tell me you already found you husband!" She said my mouth dropped jimin looked at me shocked then at Mom. She was pitching his cheeks and looking him up and down. "Ah his so handsome you picked yourself a good man! I'm so proud I can't wait to tell your father and grandma their gonna be so happy oh my I can even picture your wedding!" Mom didn't even give me a chance to talk she kissed me goodbye and pitched Jimin's cheeks and left like the wind. I stayed standing there not daring to look at jimin.

Mom what have you done..

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